4. I'll pick you up when you're falling to pieces

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The next day everything went back to normal.The first day of school was over so everybody was picking up their old habits.

I was the first person in class and walked to the back of the classroom, the place I knew where Luke was going to sit too. 

A few minutes later he walked in. He smiled weakly when he saw me. "Good morning", I said. "Hi." He said nothing more and just ignored me as he sat down and took his books. He was definitely not in a good mood.

"Is there something wrong?" I really didn't know why he was so rude again. I thought he would be nicer after yesterday. After all, he apologized to me and said he didn't mean to be mean.

"It's none of your business", he snapped back. "I was just trying to be nice, I-", Luke cutted me off before I could even finish my sentence. "I don't need you to be nice to me, just leave me alone", he said. "What the hell is your problem? Do you actually think you can treat me like this? I thought you were different but turns out you're just another asshole," I shouted and stood up.

I gave him a little time to say something before I went away buy all I got was a confused and hurt look. I shook the thought out of my head, I didn't need to feel sorry for him. He wasn't not worth it. When I was about to turn around he opened his mouth to say something but then a group of people came walking in and he shut it again. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff to move to the front row, as far away from his as possible.

The rest of the day I felt a pair of blue eyes staring at my back. Sometimes when I looked behind me I saw him cooped away in his textbook, other times our eyes crossed a few seconds but I was always the first one to look away.

I got a relieved feeling in my stomach when the last period was over. I could finally go home, away from those staring eyes.

I made my way to our car to head home. "Emma! Have you heard about Dan? It's gonna be the sickest party ever!" Sarah sheered when we got in the car. "I guess so... it's still weird that he literally invited the entire year the come," I thought out load. "But that's the point! It's a senior party to celebrate our last year here," she stated. "Well I'm definitely going but I'm not sure if I'm gonna have fun, I'm not really feeling the party thing yet", I sighed. "Oh come on Emma, there will be rooms upstairs and Luke's gonna be there too so you two can enjoy yourselves", Amanda laughed. "Amanda! Stop it, seriously", I shouted. "Who's Luke?" Carter asked. "He's that dude from math, who took Em to the mall yesterday", James explained. "Guys! Stop it, he didn't took me to the mall, you took me to the mall. And it doesn't matter anyway 'cause he's a jerk", I sighed. "He's a hot jerk though", Sarah giggled.

"Please don't say that", I groaned. It was quite obvious now that I didn't like talking about Luke so James subtle switched to an other subject and I gave him a thankful look.

This was exactly why James was my best friend, he has always protected me. He knew when I was hurt or sad and was always there to help me. Sometimes he knew me better than I knew myself.

"Shit! Can I come over to your house? I forgot the keys and my parents are still at work." "Sure", Amanda and I said at the same time. "Thanks, you two are the best!" James laughed.

We already dropped Sarah and Carter off at their places and were now heading to our own house. We all lived close to each other, which was probably the best thing about our friendship. We were never alone and always had each other's company.

"Okay, speak up, what's wrong?" James said, closing the door from my room. Amanda was watching a marathon of one of her lame tv shows. She was always watching them and I really didn't understand what she liked about it. Apparently James and I were talking too loud so she send us away and that was how we landed in my room.

I didn't want to tell him about Luke but I just couldn't keep anything hidden from James, especially not when he looked in my eyes.

"I can't figure him out, he won't open up. He's so difficult to handle and it drives me crazy", I say. "But Em, you only know him for 2 days", James said. He looked honestly concerned and interested in my problems.

"I know! But that's the thing, I've always had a weird feeling about him and now I finally talked to him and he's so bipolar! First he totally flipped out at me and then he was so sweet to make up and today he was being so rude again. I shouldn't care this much but I do and I can't do anything about it", I sighed, letting it all out. I sat down on the edge of my bed and pulled my knees up to rest my head on them. James sar down next to me and slung an arm around me.

"So... do you like him?" "I don't know, I just feel like we have a connection and I feel special when I'm with him but I don't think I'm in love with him or anything. I'm just..." I had no idea how to finish my sentence so just didn't say anything.

"Hey, it's normal that you care so much, you just want to be nice to him but he won't let you. I'm sure he'll come around, you just need to give him some time", he whispered while patting my back to comfort me. I take a deep sigh and rested my head on his shoulder. "I hope you're right... I really do."


Ok it's still quite boring but i promise something's gonna happen soon :)

Like i promised in my other story living the room (self promotion all the way) i said i was gonna update when i have wifi bc i'm in paris and i have wifi in my hotel! Hell yea!h :) ok byeeee

Seniors // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now