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Before we start, this will probably help you:
Y/N: Your Name
F/C: Favorite Color
E/C: Eye Color
H/L: Hair Length
H/C: Hair Color
I will possibly add more in the future. See ya!
Your P.O.V
I watched Sokka, my big brother. Trying to get some fish. We are at the South Pole. And Katara, my also big sister. We were on a boat. Trying to get some fish to eat. I saw Katara water bending.
"Hey, Y/N. Look! I caught a fish!" Katara exclaimed. I smiled.
"That's amazing, Katara." I replied. Me and Katara were really close. Of course, because we are sisters after all.
"Shh! Would you two quiet down? Your scaring the fish away." Sokka scolded at us. He was still trying to fish. Aww, poor baby.
"Says the one who always thinks they have muscles and flexing in the reflection." I argued and smirked as Sokka pouted. I didn't realized until the boat was heading toward a block of ice. Katara noticed it too.
"Sokka! Go left! Left!" Katara shouted. But the boat crashed.
"Really, you called that a left?" I growled. Sokka shrugs nervously.
"Sorry?" Sokka apologized. I rolled my eyes.
"Then, why wouldn't you guys just water bend our boat so it wouldn't crash?" Sokka grumbled.
"Oh, so your saying it's our fault?" I asked.
"Well, naturally. Yeah, I should've let you guys stayed home." Sokka sighed. Me and Katara's faces went red. I was about to yell at him but Katara beat me to it.
"Enough! You are a big fat lazy pig who always sits around and do nothing!" Katara yelled. I saw a huge ice and it was coming towards us.
"U-uh, Katar-" Sokka said but got interrupted,
"I'M NOT DONE YET YOU WORTHLESS IDIOT!" Then, there was a big crack on the huge ice. I sensed it was Katara who made it.
"KATARA! LOOK!" I shouted, pointing at the cracked ice. Katara quickly turned around. Shocked.
"W-wow. I did t-that?" Katara stuttered. Me and Sokka nodded heads.
"Congrats, Katara." I said. Katara ignored me and walked up to the huge crack. She touched it, and everything went white.

One moment later~
I suddenly woke up. My head was pounding. I saw Katara and Sokka stared at me. And a boy? He looks about my age.
"Y/N! Are you ok? Are you injured? Do you need help?" Katara asked me a bunch of questions.
"Katara! I'm fine! Geez." I stood up and looked at the boy.
"Who...is this?" I asked as I poke him. He feels really uncomfortable so I stopped.
"Hi! I'm Aang." Aang greeted. I waved.
"Hello, Aang. My name is Y/N. And these are my siblings. Katara and Sokka." I introduced. Aang smiled at me. He sort of cut-wait. No. Come on Y/N don't think that! You just met him!
"So...why were you trapped in a huge ice sphere?" Katara asked. Aang just shrugged.
"I don't know. But I feel like I'm missing something...OH! Appa!" Aang yelled.
"Who is this...Appa?" Sokka asked. Aang ignored him and ran away fast. He seems like an air bender. But I thought there were no air benders left. Well, except me of course. Could he be the Avatar? Maybe. I should ask him. I've researched air benders before. They get to pick their own bison. So maybe Appa was Aang's bison. I shrugged.
"There you are!" I heard Aang's voice. I followed it and my siblings also following behind. I see Aang and his bison. So maybe that is Appa.
"GAH! What the heck is that?!" Sokka questioned. I sighed.
"It's a bison, bro." I explained. Sokka still seems suspicious around Appa. I face palmed. Aang started to do an explanation about Sokka's question. After that, Sokka spoke,
"So, your an air bender?" Aang nodded his head.
"Welp, I'm out." Sokka was heading towards the damaged boat.
"And how are we suppose to ride that?" Katara asked.
"You can ride on Appa." Aang replied. I was thinking it was a good idea. Katara nodded and Sokka shrugged. Katara got up and so did Sokka. I secretly used my air bending to get on top.
"How did you do that?!" Sokka exclaimed.
"Climbing. Sokka. Climbing." I lied. I know it's hard to lie with your siblings, but they don't know that I can bend all four elements. And have other powers. I was scared if they were going to get mad at me. And leave me. This is why I need to keep this a secret. But I know it won't last for long.
"Appa, yip yip!" Aang commanded. Appa growled and we took off. But then, we nearly landed in the water.
"Sorry, Appa's just tired." Aang said. I smiled.

But I sense a great danger awaits for this Avatar.
A/N: I love this show! :3 And I see a lot of people do this so why not!?

[𝐎𝐋𝐃.] 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝 | 𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now