So they solved the case and they decided to go to Pride's bar and Lasalle said this is mine and Percy song,
the song that me and her first met and Percy just smiled of thanking about that day and then Lasalle ask Percy may I have this dance and Percy yes you may have this dance country mouse, the next day they are at the headquarters and they are talking about how much fun last night was, and Lasalle said I got 2 tickets to Maroon 5 concert and
it's Saturday night and so you wanna come with me and Percy said yes and Percy said hugs and said they are my favorite band and Lasalle said I know,
it's Saturday night and Lasalle came to pick up Percy from headquarters and Lasalle is shock how good she looks and Percy is in a blue long dress and Lasalle is in a jeans and nice top and Percy grape Lasalle arm and they go to car and Lasalle opens the car door for Percy and then he get in the drive seat, they get to the concert and it's around 11 pm
and they get out of the concert and Percy said that concert was so good and thanks Lasalle for taking her and he said your very welcome and I am glad you enjoy yourself and Percy ask Lasalle can you drive me home and Lasalle said sure city mouse and so Lasalle drives Percy home and he gets to her house and
he walks up to her door and they are looking at each other eyes and then Percy kiss him on the check but miss and got his lips instead and so Lasalle and Percy are kissing front of her door and then Lasalle I guess that's our goodnight kiss and he told her goodnight and
I had fun tonight and Percy said goodnight and I had fun tonight too,
(Next Morning)
So Lasalle and Percy are at headquarters, in the kitchen, Percy and Lasalle are talking in there about last night, then Tammy comes in and they stopped talking then Sabstion and Patton came in after that, Tammy ask what were you 2 talking about before I came in whatever it was you 2 stopped as soon I came to close the kitchen,
The girls left the kitchen, then it was Sabstion and Lasalle and Patton,
Sabstion said to Lasalle said what was you and Percy were talking about, come on bro code, Lasalle said if I said this you and Patton can't said anything to King, me and Percy were taking about last night, we may have kiss last night,
Sabstion said really?
Patton said how was kissing Percy
Lasalle said you know a gentleman never kiss and tells,
In the other room with Percy and Brody and Tammy
Tammy said come on girl you got to tell us what you and Lasalle was taking about before I walked in
Brody said you can tell us anything
Percy said me and Chris may have kiss last night
Tammy and Brody now you got to tell the details
Percy said we were at my house and at my front door and he just lay one on me,
Percy told Tammy and Brody don't tell pride about mine and Lasalle kiss ok
Tammy and Brody said we won't
Back in the kitchen with the boys
Lasalle told Patton and Sabstion I think you 2 as my brothers and please don't tell king about mine and Percy kiss,
The boys said we won't,
Lasalle said what if I told y'all about the kiss with Percy,
Patton said yes please
Sabstion said how was it?
Lasalle said what if I told you we France kiss
Patton said really?
Sabstion said like with tung?
Lasalle said yes