Mother love

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Hera walked down the hall to Ezra's room.
She paused hesitantly as she reached for the button.
She knew how dangerous Ezra was but she had her blaster in case of anything.
She opened the door.
She saw Ezra lying on the floor.
Curled up tightly.
"Ezra?" She called softly.
The Fyrnock moved slightly and Ezra looked up at Hera.
The twe'lik was shocked to see fear etched clearly on his face.
He whined and got up.
Hera watched as he backed into the corner of the room. Whining and ears flattened against his head.
"Ezra?" Hera asked again coming forward.
"Stay back Hera" Ezra growled.
The twe'lik stopped in her tracks. Looking at her boy with confusion and concern.
"Ezra? Are you alright?" She put the food bowl down and approached Ezra again.
"No Hera. Please keep away. I don't want to hurt you. I already hurt Kanan" Ezra whined. Pressing himself against the wall.
Hera froze.
"How...How do you know about that?" She asked.
"I might have gone savage. But I could still see what I was doing. It was like I was inside my head watching what I was doing and​ I couldn't control my actions."
Hera crouched in front of Ezra and put a hand on his cheek.
"Ezra. It's alright. Kanan's fine. And he forgives you. He told me to tell you that if you were docile." 
Ezra looked at Hera for a while before coming forward and pressing his head against​ her chest.
She fell on to the floor as he purred softly and curled up.
Hera put her arms round Ezra's neck and held him close.
The Fyrnock put his paws on Hera's lap and moaned contently.
"You know Princess Leia? We fought along her side on Lothal to get those transports?"
"Yeah I remember" Ezra nodded.
"I've contacted her, she says she's​ cut a crop of Sphinxa herbs for us and we can pick them up at any time. We'll be heading over to Allderan in a few minutes." 
Ezra's head flew up, eyes looking the most alive she'd seen in days. Tail wagging and a look of hope in his face.
"You mean it?!" He asked.
"Yes I do" Hera smiled.
The Fyrnock​ did a back flip of joy.
Tail wagging like mad he lunged at Hera.
For a second she thought he'd gone savage again but instead, he draped his paws over Hera's shoulders and purred happily.
"Thank you Hera. I mean it."
The twe'lik smiled and hugged her boy.
Suddenly the door hissed open.
The two looked round.
Chopper stood there.
He saw Ezra close to Hera and whipped out his taser.
Inching forward, he warbled angrily
"Woah Woah Woah! Chopper it's okay! He's tame! It's alright" Hera exclaimed as Ezra backed away from Chopper.
The droid put away his taser and quickly told Hera something.
"What's he say?" Ezra asked at the look of fear on the twe'lik's face.
"Our ships been tracked" Hera told him shakily.
"The Empire's on our trail."

What will happen next?! Will the Empire catch them, or will the Ghost crew get away?
Stay tuned! More updates coming soon!

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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