Chapter Six

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After breakfast Lana treats us to a cup of coffee which she explains is very rare here. "So, where is here exactly?" Runa asks taking a break from sipping at her coffee.

"You don't know? Are you from the other islands?" Lana says curiously.

"Um not exactly where are they?" Runa asks.

"We are on the island Aumitten, in the cluster of islands that make up the world." Lana pauses then continues "The cluster is called Amidas, and includes several islands but the main three are Aumitten, Elyias and Heripat. Each island has a capital city... I have a map somewhere" Lana stops talking and walks over to a cupboard and pulls out a dirty piece of paper. Lana places the paper on the table saying "The capital of our island is Mayherdos" Lana tells us pointing to a spot on the map.

"That's probably where we came from" Runa says.

"Is there a palace there?" I ask.

"Yes, that's where the king and queen live" Lana tells us.

I feel like I'm in a fairytale.

The door starts to open and Ronald walks in. "Honey your home early" Lana exclaims happily.

"Yes dear." Ronald says simply.

Lana gets up and walks over to Ronald giving him a hug and asking "Would you like some food?" to which he replies "Yes please there wasn't much food there". Runa and I sit quietly while Ronald and Lana talk.

"So did you figure out where you are going?" Ronald asks us.

"Not yet" Runa tells him.

"They didn't even know where they were" Lana interjects.

"Why do you need to find somewhere else?" Ronald asks.

"Well we went to May-her-dos and nobody would help us so we are looking somewhere else now" Runa tells him.

"Why do you need help?" Ronald presses on.

"Because we crashed our vehicle then woke up in a deferent place." Runa says skipping over a few facts like the vehicle is a car and we were experimented on and that we were with Lee. Although I suppose it would be hard for her to mention Lee.

"If you woke up in a different place how did you get two horses and men's clothes?" Ronald asks. That caught Runa off guard so she remains silent thinking of what to say.

"All people have secrets Ronald" Lana says quietly.

"Now Lana, don't let kindness see you deceived" Ronald snaps at her and she flinches.

Ronald turns to us again and says "If you can't tell the truth you have to leave".

"Fine give us a second" Runa says then looks at me asking "What do you want to do?"

"I think that they have been nice so we should trust them in return" I tell her.

"Okay we shall tell you then." Runa tells them.

Runa explains how we woke up in the cells with the guy, but once again skipping over a few facts just with more care then last time she doesn't tell them that the guy injected us with strange liquids. She tells them how Lee didn't make it and how we bought Ebony. She explains that we didn't know why or where we were going but we did, telling them without even a hint of regret how we raided the guy's camp (leaving out the fact that she melted three of them with her mind). She fills in the rest until we get to their place.

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