Coming Home

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Things thus far..

Ebott city; a busy hustle bustle place. Lots of people; cars and now..Monsters!

Frisk had done the impossible and with the help of Asriel freed the Monsters from their underground prison a few years ago. Asgore had asked Frisk to be their ambassador; and soon afterwards helped the Monsters find their place on the surface. Things didn't go well at first; but over time and many meetings with the humans; things were settling down.

Frisk was adopted by Asgorey and Toriel; and became not only the Ambassador to them, but also a Princess.. she had the privileges of going to the School that Toriel had opened; and had been abroad for at least 2 years..

"SANS!" Papyrus called from the kitchen.

"Ya bro?" Sans called back from the living room. He was seated on the windowsill; anxiously staring down their mail box.


San's socket twitched, his brother was right. They had just recently had a bad run in with the neighbors across the street. He hummed; remembering the awkard situation that had caused it.

Both of them had been outside the front of their house enjoying a beautiful day. Sans was 'fetching' the paper that the delivery boy had thrown on their lawn. Papyrus had made himself comfortable on the stairs to the front door. He had been reading a cooking book on the different types of Pasta that he had never heard of before.

Sans had his back turned to his brother when he heard him wail.


"Bro?!" Sans whirled around as a dog had Papyrus scared into a ball on the top stair. He was using his book to try and shoo the dog away. "GET AWAY YOU MANGEE DOG!" Papyrus held his knees to his chest.

Sans let out a loud bellow doubling over holdng his sides. "Ahaha..Oh man.. Pap!"

The dog barked and sniffed at Papryu's leg. "NO! NO!"

"SANS!" Papyrus screamed. Sans wiped away a tear from his eye catching his breath, and suddenly hitched. The dog had gotten a hold of Papyrus' leg and was now running across the street with it.

"H-HEY!" Sans reached out for the dog as Papyrus hopped on his one leg after the dog. "DOG! I NEED THE USE OF MY LEG! THAT IS NOT A SNACK!" He called after it. "Pap! Hold on!"


"SANS! NOW IS NOT THE TIME!" Papyrus waved his arms in the air in frustration.

"C'mon pap, throw me a bone here.." Sans laughed while running after the dog with him.

They had chased that dog for hours before Sans had gotten tired and used his magic to capture it. The tag had told them it belonged to the house across from them. They had both knocked on the door to the house and were not only greeted by a screaming terrified woman; she started beating at Sans with an umbrella screaming to unhand her "fluffy.."

Safe to say; since then the neighbors closed their curtains or quickly ran into the house when the brothers were present.

"Ugh finally!" Sans huffed and watched as the mail lady put a few things in their mailbox and continued to the next house. Sans quickly opened the door to go retrieve their mail. Once he had the envelopes in his hands he quickly flipped through and scanned for the familiar scribbles.. but nothing came. Though Papyrus had gotten something. He sighed in frustration and made his way back into the house.

"DID YOU GET THE LETTER FROM THE HUMAN!?" Papyrus leaned back from his spot in the kitchen glancing at Sans. "Naw, not today Pap. But uh; you got somethin'." He held up a letter that had 'The Great Papyrus' in red writing on it.

"OH WOWIE! A LETTER FOR ME, THE GREAT Papyrus!" He moved quickly to Sans and took the letter with pride. "MUST BE AN ENDEARING FAN, NYEHEHE!" He quickly tore open the envelope and opened up a small piece of paper.





Papyrus eyes lit up happily and he hopped on hit feet. Frisk was coming home! He couldn't wait to see her, and have her try all his new pasta creations!

Sans had already went back to the couch and flopped down face first in to the cushion groaning. He had been expecting a letter from Frisk for over a week now. She was always on time, and sent him letters every other week. She often told of her studies and how things going abroad were. Even though both of them had call phones; seeing as she was in another country and different time zone; contacting each other was a little difficult. He heard Papyrus gasp as he re-read the letter.

"Who's it from Pap?" Sans lifted his face from the couch cushion.

"UH-UH..FROM A FAN! YES! A BIG FAN! THEY WANT TO MEET ME IN PERSON..Heh.." Papyrus was starting to sweat; he was never really good at keeping things from his brother. Especially if it involved Frisk.

"A Big Fan huh?" Sans' brow bone arched as he stared down his brother. "..Are they gonna blow you away?" Papyrus cleared his throat, not amused.

"Y-YES! AND WHO AM I - THE GREAT PAPYRUS; TO DENY A FAN OF MY PRESENCE!" He thrust his fist in the air striking a pose. He hoped that Sans would drop the subject. "Well, if you think it's safe Pap, you can go.." He huffed shoving his face back into the couch cushion. He was skulking..

"NOT TO WORRY! I SHALL BE CAREFUL BROTHER! NYEHEHE!" He crunched the letter in his fist and ran up the stairs to his bedroom; slamming the door behind him.

Sans sprang up and held his gaze at the bedroom door a moment to make sure Papyrus wasn't coming back down. "Hmm..a fan huh?" He held his chin in thought. Papyrus rarely ever got letters; let alone had any fans that weren't himself or the gang. He made a mental note to follow Papyrus when he went to meet this 'fan.'

2 Days Later..

It had been roughly two years since Frisk had seen Sans, or her friends and Family. She was coming home as she had finished her schooling in europe. She couldn't wait to surprise everyone. She just hoped that Papyrus had gotten the letter and was able to keep it a secret. She let out a long sigh as she heard the seat belt sign flick on; the plane was getting ready to land.

Papyrus had made sure to get up extra early. He knew Sans wouldn't be awake; or even dare to get his lazy bones out of bed. If Frisk didn't want Sans to know; then there was obviously something wrong; or it was really important to her.

Sans on the other hand had slept on the couch the night before. Papyrus cursed mentally; as he tried to quietly make his descent down the stairs. 'Almost..there..' He thought as his boot hit the last step; it squeaked. Papyrus held still; nervously shooting a glance to the couch; Sans didn't stir. He quickly stepped down and let out the breath he had been holding. 'Phew..'

Sneaking around was a lot harder then it looked.

He quietly crept over to the front door; grabbing his cape and gloves. Glanced back over his shoulder at Sans to see him still sleeping soundly. 'Good..' He thought and opened the front door and slid out quietly. He let out a 'Nyehehe' once he had made it outside; and quickly ran towards town.

Sans opened his eye; and waited for Papyrus to get a few minutes ahead. He couldn't help but chuckle at his brother attempt to be sneaky. Grabbing his boots; and his jacket off the hook; he teleported outside on the front lawn. He watched Papyrus's retreating figure and he slowly sauntered after him.

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