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"This is so different from my world.. I mean I guess it's what my world be if we hadn't been banished to space.."

Frisk and Undyne had been listening to Stellar talk about how his kind lived in space; and never saw the stars the way we did. "Up there; it's just balls of light particles if you get close to just disappear.." He had his hands back behind his head as he laid on the grass in between them.

"I think it would be neat to travel to space.." Frisk mumbled. "Heh, I was pretty excited to learn that I was on earth when I was pulled here.. It's a completely different experience.. your gravity is also a lot stronger.." He smiled his starry eye lights were twinkling. "I was too young when we were banished from I can't really remember much.. but this! This is great!" He chuckle-snorted happily.

Frisk giggled; "see that group of stars.. thats the big dipper.." she pointed to a group of twinkling stars that resembled a giant ladle.
"That's pretty neat..We don't see these.. constellations like this..we have our own.."

Undyne covered her mouth to hide her yawn. "Well.. Im beat.. I'm gonna head off to pull Alphys from their little science project.."

Frisk smiled stretching her arms up above her head and pushed her self off the ground patting her pj pants of the grass particles. "Thanks for hanging with me Undyne.."

Undyne blushed, then gave her a thumbs up "NO PROBLEM SQUIRT!" She ran off laughing.

Stellar's eye lights watched where Frisk was standing. She was making sure Undyne's figure disappeared into the research facility. Sighing she smiled down at the skeleton. "This has been really nice.."

A faint purple blue blush tinted his cheek bones but he pushed it down quickly. "Yeah it has.." He pushed himself into an upright position.
"Uhm.. Princess.." He tilted his head; his eye lights dimming slightly.

"Hmm?" She glanced back up at the sky holding her hands behind her back. "Soo.. Do you really think we'll be able to go home?"

She felt her heart tug; and her stomach tighten in knots. 'I wish I knew for certain..' "If I know Alphys she'll find away.. She's a smart cookie. Sans will be assisting her so she may have more of a break through with him present.."

"That's good.. I just can't wait to tell them about this.. about what it's like to be back on earth.."
He smiled thinking of his brother. "Papyrus would be so happy.."

Frisk sighed letting out a soft laugh. "I'm sure he will be.."

Stellar closed his sockets; "What do you think of all of us.. you think theres a Frisk out there for me?" His blush creeping back over his cheeks as he tried not to sound awkward.

" heard what we were talking about earlier.." She closed her eyes focusing on the breeze.

"Only bits and pieces.. I'm not one to ease drop on other peoples private conversations.. Just what Undyne said of there bein' more Yous kind of intrigued me.."

"By all means it makes perfect sense.. but some of our universes very greatly.." "Like.. How's a child going to get into space from earth..?" He chuckled at how fleeting his hopes were.

"Well.. maybe you meet me in different times.. after the barrier is broken..Not every world is the same like you said.."

"Yeah but now we're down two more souls.." He rubbed his hands over his sockets in agitation. "It's gonna be hundreds of years before we get two more humans.." He winced, "I'm sorry.. that sounded bad.." He looked up at her his grin fading into a forced smile.

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