The Plan

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Frisk stood next to Sans holding his hand while she gazed at Asriel. "Well; I was wanting to spend some quality time with my sister!" He smiled up at her closing his black eyes.

Frisk giggled rubbing her arm that held onto Sans. "I would love to Asriel; but unfortunately I have to attend a meeting tomorrow with the Mayor of Ebott.."

Asriel's smile faltered but quickly relaxed. "Ah, business as usual.. Alright well we'll figure out another day. Im afraid I'll be leaving for a few days to help with one of Dad's business proposals.."

"Alright; it's a deal then. When you get back we'll do something fun together." Sans sighed squeezing her hand. "Hey babe, I gotta get back to the lab.." Frisk turned to look up at him a little saddened. "Okay, but come see me soon.." She stood on her tip toes and gave him a quick peck on his cheek bone.

Sans bones tinged blue and in a blip of blue he was gone. Asriel tapped the table with his claws. "Frisk.." seriousness growing in his voice. Frisk looked at him curiously. "Yes?"

He sighed walking over to her. "Please.. be careful with..all of this.." He gestured a hand frantically towards where the skeletons bedrooms were. Frisk giggled patting Asriel's shoulder, "I'll be fine, I can take care of myself.."

"I just worry about you getting hurt..or worse.." He gazed to the floor then back to her with a worried expression. Sighing, Frisk pulled him into a hug. "I promise you nothing will happen to me!"
Asriel grasped his arms around her giving her a tight squeeze before releasing her. "I'm gonna hold you to that.."

She stuck out her tongue; and he laughed.

"FRISK!" Papyrus's voice came from behind her. She turned to face the taller skeleton. "Hey Paps!" Papyrus pulled her into a hug swinging her around. "I'M SO HAPPY YOU ARE SAFE! I WAS QUITE WORRIED FOR YOU AND MY BROTHER!" Frisk tried to breath evenly at the crushing hug. Asriel just continued to laugh at the display. "I'm fine..Pap.."

Papyrus set her down and she swayed slightly on her feet before regaining her balance. "I KNOW! I SHALL COOK THE AMAZING SPAGHETTI FOR YOUR SAFE RETURN!!" He puffed his chest proudly and stalked past the both of them to the pantry.

Frisk smiled shaking her head. Asriel finally calmed down. "At least his cooking is waay better.." He mused. Frisk nod her head and went to go sit in the living room.

She poked her head through the doorway and noticed Red was the only one occupying the space. He was watching some black and white movie she recognized as Frankenstein.

"Hey! Mind if I join you?" She walked up behind the couch. Red jumped in surprise and turned to face her a bright red dusting his bones. "Geez tryin ta give me a heart attack?"

"I didn't think you guys had hearts?" It was more of a question, but Red scowled turning back to the tv show. "That was cold..even for me." Frisk gasped running around the couch to sit down next to him. "I-I didn't mean it like that; it was supposed to be a joke."

Red shrugged; "s'okay.." He glanced at her nervously from his peripheral. "So.." Frisk looked to the tv, then back to him.

"Whats your world like?" She blurted out. Red stiffened; and sweat beaded at his skull. "Whya..wanna know fer.."

"Well.. I think if I knew what your worlds were like.." She paused thinking of what she should say.
"You'd get closer to each of us eh?" Red smirked his toothy grin. "If ya wanted to get close doll; you shoulda just said so.." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him.

She squeaked at the closeness. He smelt of mustard and grease. A weird combination. He gave a low chuckle and went back to watching the tv.
It was a moment before he spoke. "My world.. it ain't that great. See.. there it's killed or be killed.." Frisk winced at the thought.

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