Chapter Two- A Blossoming Love

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          I looked at Hollen and smiled. He was staring at the stars, trying to spot constellations. Hollen glanced over at me and blushed. He arose and went over to a daisy field, he started picking daisies. I stood up and went over to him.

"What are you doing?" She asked politely.

He turned around and put the daisies in my hair to make a flower crown.

"That~" he whispered in my ear as I blushed.

      I looked up at him. He smiled at me and started to head back to the guard tower.  I followed after him, pondering over if he likes me or not. When we arrived at the guard tower we said goodnight to each other and went to our separate rooms.

"Maybe he does like me" I whispered and fell asleep.

      I woke up the next morning and yawned, looking at the clock. The clock read in big red number "9:30". I skipped out of bed and got  changed into a white tank top, jeans, black boots and pulled the flower crown Hollen made over my head.

"Perfect" she stated.

       She opened her room door and walked to Hollen's room. She knocked on the door and waited.

"Come on" I heard Hollen's sweet voice say.

     I walked inside only to see that his room was a complete mess. There were clothes covering the entire floor and his desk was cluttered with papers, pencils and just plain messy.

"We are cleaning this before we go anywhere" I bossed and put my hands on my hips.

      I picked up the clothes one by one and tossed them in a basket. While I was doing this Hollen got to work organizing papers and putting them in folders. I hugged him and he jumped. "I'm done my half" I whispered in his ear.

    He blushed and headed out of his room. I followed him quietly and sneakily intertwined my fingers with his. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks when I heard him whisper "I love you".

        I ran to the river dragging Hollen behind me. Quietly I picked some water up in my hand and splashed him laughing. "HEY!" He yelled laughing his head off. I squealed and let go of his hand. He chased me around till my legs out tired and I fell on the grass.

"This is amazing" I whispered smiling at him.

     He nodded and layed by me as I cuddled him. Oh My Irene he's so warm. That's a good thing though because I'm freezing. I cuddled him closer and felt my eyes get heavy as I slowly fell asleep.

~two hours later~

      I woke up and around seeing Hollen. Then I realized I was in his room, in his bed. I blushed and waved at him.

"Why didn't you just take me to my room?" I asked him.

    He shrugged "I couldn't find your keys and I didn't want to wake you up looking for them so I brought you here, cutie~" he stated winking. I blushed at the thought of his carrying me all the way here from the lake. Slowly I got out of his bed and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks" I whispered and heard him say "That's what I'm here for ... Also I like you a lot". I looked at the floor and blushed waving goodbye and heading to my room.

    I plopped onto me bed and stares at the ceiling. My heart starts racing and I blush. "He likes me! The way he acts all cute and shy around me is adorable" I think to myself. I yawned and fell into a deep sleep slowly.

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