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Bells rang out over the city of Insomnia as a patrol of people in black clothing and hoods walked through the main gate slowly, some would be carrying the injured or deceased as others themselves would be heavily wounded with their heads down. Few would have their visors off or their heads exposed, one man wearing a purple scarf.

Blankly I stared at the rain-soaked cobble paving as red streaks ran down from the people in front of me, a gentle clicking would accompany the heavy marching of the patrol that surrounded me on all but one side. Slowly the man with the purple scarf would fall out of line and rejoined by my side, placing his hand on my shoulder as a shiver of pain ran up my spine and parted across my neck and shoulders. "Pyrrha, Uhm, are you doing okay?" He questioned as his glance fell to my crutches as his pale blue eyes filled with undeniable regret and sadness. "It shall be fine Nyx, just a little painful." I murmured in reply, forcing a reassuring smile. Nyx (The man in the purple scarf) seemed to be unwilling to leave my side for most of the journey until a group of young children, around 4-7 years old, ran over to him and hugged his legs "Nyx! Woah, that was so cool! I heard you saved someone! Who was it? Oh did you get hurt?!" The kids chanted in unison as I nodded to Nyx before limping ahead with the rest of my unit.

As I entered a large room with the rest of a Glaive a medic would look at me and call the rest of his team to assist me, the main medic sighing as he began to ask me what happened "How did you get injured?"
"My arm was caught under a boulder that was sent towards me by an explosion during the attacks." I replied quickly, sighing in pain as he began to poke my arm and look concerned "Let's get you into the medical bay, your wound is rather severe compared to others I have seen." He quickly took me by the hand as I struggled to keep up with his fast pace. Everything would begin to blur as he allowed me to sit in a hospital bed whilst he poked around with my arm and began to make reports but it all seemed so illegible as a faint ringing filled my head, he would turn to me after a while with a saddened face before explaining what he had to do. I nodded to accept him to go ahead with the procedure as I felt a faint pain in my arm as a needle pierced the skin, pumping anaesthetic into my body before a darkness filled my sight and took me away.

I had no clue how long I was out but it must have been a good few hours considering the fact it was now pitch black outside and everyone else was asleep. I slowly pushed myself up as I almost fell down on my right side, it felt like nothing was there to support me as I looked down to see a dark steel metallic arm that had a faint red glow to it. It seemed so unreal that part of me was now gone, all that remained of my arm was just a metal figure of what used to remain, I glanced down to my chest to see it barely covered by a bandage like, a bra, as my shoulder and part of my chest was also a metallic grey. I sighed in defeat as I slowly flexed my fingers individually to see how much control I had over them, they would crack and click as I moved them slowly with slight hesitation and strain. It didn't feel normal.

Closing my eyes a little a frown dawned on my face as realisation slowly dawned on me how hopeless I was now that I could hardly use my 'arm' to fight. I was worthless to the Glaive if I couldn't fight and a lurking question fell onto my mind, what if I couldn't use magic like this? After all magic was certainly one of my strong points that the Glaive had spotted in me the day I joined. My worries grew worse until I eventually felt dead inside, taunting me until they all brushed away with the entrance of a man in a black shirt and black jeans with a purple scarf. He didn't say much but just sat down at the foot of the white bed that I was laying on "Hey Pyrrha." His voice was pained with a large sadness, his smile gone and replaced with a half-hidden frown that was partially obscured by his scarf. Nyx had been crying.

We didn't speak for a few minutes, time seeming to go exceptionally slow as seconds felt like minutes. Nyx was shaking as he stared at the floor. I had never seen him like this so I decided to finally reply "Hey." My voice would be soft as I tried to force a reassuring look. He obviously didn't feel any better as he decided to sit by my side and place his hand on my normal one "How are you feeling?" He questioned,
"Pretty shit."
"Oh." Our conversations were short and left much to be desired. I would sigh before he spoke up once again "It shall be fine Pyrrha, everyone wants you to get back to normal." He tried to comfort me but only increased the mental pain I felt. It felt like I was being ripped apart, unable to reply without my voice quivering as tears formed in my eyes and my skin tone went almost an icy white "I won't be back to normal. I will never be normal. I lost a part of me. A piece of me is gone and it's never coming back." My voice would be cold as Nyx looked at me with a hurt expression in his tearful eyes, the normal happy blue irises were just a simple cold emotionless staring mess. It hurt him. It hurt me. I sighed "Face it. I'm useless until I can get to grips with my arm!" I had raised my voice as Nyx's sad expression turned into anger as a shiver ran up hid spine. "I know! You maybe are useless if you let this take you down!" He full out yelled as he stood up. "Get over it." He scowled before walking out and slamming the door. Guilt filled my heart as I looked down to my arm and slowly closed my eyes "I'm sorry Nyx..." My mouth moved unwillingly as if it was no longer me, eventually leaving me to fall into a forgetful slumber.

After a while I woke up as the sun was barely breaking the horizon and shining through my window that was cracked open slightly, the memories of last night rushed around my head as my body went tense. Slowly my gaze fell on my metallic right arm as a small smile dawned on my face, pushing myself up with little hesitation I grabbed my daggers and headed outside. Still, I walked with a slight limp but nothing noticeable as I pulled on my white gloves and tied my hair back, movement with my arm was less frustrating as it began to feel more natural but not completely natural. Quickly I made my way towards the training ground that was like a second home to me, normally I would be training glaive members to use warps but instead, I was the one that would be braving the challenges of the arena.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2017 ⏰

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