chapter 4

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vilu's pov

How can I be running late again! I run down the stairs hoping to find Angie and Dad.


-vilu dear, are you okay?

Olga questions.

-yeah, just looking for Angie.

-she hasn't come down this morning yet.

-thanks Olga !

I run upstairs. Seriously ! And I thought I was running late. I charge into there room. Angie's still sleeping and dads lying protectively next to her.


She jumps and sits up. Wow she looks awful, I have never seen her this ill. Even that time she had the flu last year, she looks so pale.

- God Angie, are you okay?

I run up and hug her.

-I'm fine vilu. I wont be coming to the studio today though, I feel awful.

-oh okay, feel better soon okay!

She laughs and hugs me.

-okay vilu.

She reply's. Then dad pats my arm slightly.

-Romallo will drop you at the studio okay.

Dad explains, still he doesn't take his eyes of Angie, he might as well have a tattoo on his face saying "I love Angie" still its sweet, I know how much he loves her and couldn't live without her.

-Sure thanks! Miss you already Angie! Love you guys, bye.

-Bye vilu, love you.

Says Dad.


Angie crocked, her voice was all dry and horse, poor girl.

Angie's POV

* vilu just left*

I haven't felt this ill in years! Its awful. I hate not being at the studio, but I don't think I have the energy to get up, let alone go to the studio.

-I've got some stuff to do in the office. Are you okay here for a while?

German asked, looking worriedly at me.

- yeah go, I will be fine.

I smile and assure him. He worries a lot about me, it's sweet really.

-I will ask Olga to check on you every now and then, okay?

I look up at him and give him one of my " are you serious?" looks.

-German that's not necessary I'm fine.

-It is necessary and your not fine.

He kisses my forehead then leaves. I'm really thirsty. Being sick really does take all the moisture out of your mouth. I'm going to go get some water from the kitchen. As im walking my head starts to feel all weird. I feel really dizzy. Just before I reach halfway down the stairs my legs give way and I fall down hitting every part of my body on the wall and cutting my leg on the glass flower pot at the bottom. It starts to bleed a lot.

-This is just great!

I hiss sarcastically under my breath. Just at that moment Romallo came out of the kitchen and see's me and then my leg before running over.

-Mrs Angie! What happened?

- I fell down the stairs and cut my leg.

I say whilst gesturing to it.

-I will get the first aid kit, it's in Germans office. You've cut it bad. I need to check there's no glass in it .

Oh great! Now Germans going to find out and that will give him another reason to look after me, great! wait a second romallo's a doctor ? 

-I didn't know you were a doctor!

- Haha Mrs Angie, back in my day I was rather good at this sort of thing. Now let me help you to the sofa and then I will get the first aid kit.

He smiles then helps me up.

-thanks Romallo.

He genteelly pats my arm before walking into Germans office to get the first aid kit. When he come's out German rushes out after him. Oh great!

-Angie ! He runs over to me.

-Im fine, don't worry.

I reassure him before he gets to me.

- What happened?

He looks at my leg that's still bleeding a lot.

- Well I was walking down the stairs to get some water when my legs decide they don't  want to work anymore and the next thing I know I cut my leg on the glass flower pot over there. I'm so clumsy!

-Oh Angie!

He hugs me tight but I wince, everything feels all sore, I must have really banged it on the way down. He automatically loosens his grip around me.

- Sorry!

- Don't be sorry German, its my fault for being so dam clumsy!

He gently pats my knee.

-I will go get you some water.

He walks of. I can't believe how wonderful my family is.

-Now Angie, I will just check your leg.

He carefully inspects it, occasionally using some tweezers to get glass out. I wince a lot! I don't want him to know how painful it really is. I hate always hated hospitals.

I was very ill when I was younger and I was there a lot. I never want to go back there.

German comes back in with some water and I sip it gratefully. He holds my hand whilst Romallo finishes getting the glass out of my leg.

- Now Angie, im going to have to put some iodine on it to make sure its not going to get infected. It will sting a lot im afraid.

- I know.

I blurt out before even thinking, German doesn't know I was in the hospital. He gives me a confused look but I ignore it.

- okay Romallo im ready.

I lean into German and force my eyes shut.

- try not to tense your leg.

He pores it on, it feels like fire and its burning me. I hold back screams and dig my nails into my hand, still leaning into German. After a few minutes of agony Romallo is finished.

-Thank you Romallo. 

-That's quit alright Angie, now go rest that leg.

I smile and start to stand up but everything goes all hazy.


I fall back on the sofa. German grabs my glass of water and then carries my bridle style up into our bedroom.

-thanks !

-no problem. Now please Angie just rest.

No problem there! I say whilst laughing. Im exhausted.

I fell asleep soon after.

*about an hour later*

It's 4:30, vilu should be back soon. I think im going to draw for a while.


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