The shraman effect

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That's all....mission accomplished. Got all the kitchen chores completed. Let me relax by reading something. Just then I looked at the book rack in search of 'mahabharat secret 'which I hadn't completed yet. I just paused my eyes where a book was kept upside down in the rack. By noticing this, my 11 year old girl came hurriedly, " Ma. .sorry ma. .I just kept like that. Let me make it right now "

      Since I  am obsessed with  perfection in every single thing, she tried to apologise, but she stunned to see a smiling me.
         "It's ok. ..leave it like that. ..but not everything  not always. .."she was a bit confused. .."Is  that u ma. .."

     Must be  "shraman effect "....v all know "c.v.Raman effect " what is this shraman effect. ? Must be a long term result of Edkv even after years 😀

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