So... remember last chapter? Forget all that, I'm actually a ghost. Well not exactly, but I feel like either I'm the ghost possessing the person called Amy, a ghost is possessing me, the ghost is trapped inside my boast, or the ghost and I have formed into a single being.
Now let me explain, I was a WERID kid, I hear a lot of stories about me when I was young, and so little memories. Or a lot, I don't know how many memories a normal person has about them at the age of 3-4.
So, my first memory, it was super creepy! I was in third person, looking down at myself, I was a young little kid, jumping up and down about something, outside like an ant or something, with my grandma, then, everything went black. Then suddenly I was in my body, and I thought, "why am I out here?" I went inside without another thought. Then, everything became white and then black.
Which is extremely creepy, because people who have died, or were on the brink of dying but lived said that they saw themselves in third person, that's the definition of creepy, which if you think that's disturbing, you are pure
In another memory, or thing in my life. Let me add, that it was right after the last. I was on my tip toes next to a coffee table, my dad signing a check, when I asked my dad "how old am I?" Though I my mind I was thinking, "how do I know he's my dad?" And the memory faded out.
Another one, was me running into my cousins room who was staying with as at the time, and I was being changed. I sucked on my thumb and thought, "why am I acting like this is normal? And why am I sucking on my thumb?" Which was a memory I long forgotten, till today.
Those were my first memories.. now that shows you how WERID I was thinking as a kid, and I have quite a bit more stories showing how WERID I was as a kid, and how I feel like I'm possessed or something, but, I wrote quite a bit for this chapter, so I'll finish up in another chapter... also to bother you! 😆
The thoughts of trash
DiversosDifferent things that I want to jot down, if I'm tagged, or anything of the sort. Turned more into a rant book then anything else.