waking up

655 13 5

Summers pov

I grunt as I start to sit up I'm still where I passed out my cut stopped bleeding but my knuckle is still in so much pain

I start to lean on my other hand and stand up, its so cold, it must be so late

I hear people yelling my name I start running, I don't know what direction I'm going, whether I'm going towards them or not, ill let fate decide where I need to be

I keep running until I run into someone and fall to the ground, I don't know who it is because of how dark it is, that is until they turn on their flashlight

It's Freddy, I guess this is who fate wanted me to be with

I hug him as tight as I possibly can until I have a sharp pain in my hand, the pressure made it start bleeding again my sight starts to go black again "I'm sorry freddy" "it's ok sum"

Freddy's pov

I've been out here with the search team and summers family for hours Riley said she's looking too but I think she just went home,I yell summers name as loud as I can

Please if any of the gods are out there if you have any idea what to do with my life, please give me a sign what I'm supposed to do

A few seconds later I hear footsteps quickly coming towards me, crunching every leaf in their path

Suddenly they crash into me and fall to the ground, I reach out my hand, unaware of who it is

I turn on my flashlight to see who it is

ITS SUMMER, she stands up and hugs me tightly I guess Aphrodite (goddess of love) was listening to me, her hand starts bleeding from a rather large cut she speaks up "I'm sorry freddy" I have so much to say but I don't have much time, she's gonna pass out "it's ok sum"

I look closer at her hand, some of her knuckles have been put out out of place, are they broken?

I lift her bridal style and carry her to the reserve point for the search party and send a message to all the group's to come back

There was a doctor at the tent and she examined her

until the doctor bursts out saying "she's lost a lot of blood and her knuckles are definitely broken, she must go to the hospital immediately"

At that moment a lot of the search party has returned, they ring the ambulance which only took 10 minutes to get here, her mother goes to the hospital with her in the ambulance

Summers thoughts

What if....

What if this is the end?

So many questions...

That still need answers


please don't let this be the end

Let this be...

The beginning of...

Something wonderful

Something new


That's all I ask


Be my light and

Ill come back for you

I'm not leaving yet

So don't forget about me...



so this is a really weird chapter

I hope you guys like it

I was thinking of a lot of different things to do for the story but not many make sense so I've decided, this story will only have 5-6 more chapters

Love y'all

Have a good day night

Bye xox

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