Chapter 3

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"Wake up. Wake up! Hello?" "What?" Jess groaned in protest. "I thought you might actually want breakfast. We meet in the mess hall in fifteen minutes." Jess rolled over, and saw that a stranger was grinning at her. "I'm Becka. Heard you're the new one. But don't get a big head, because we'll all beat you during training." She said in a good-natured voice. Becka was shorter in stature, but more muscled. She was somewhere in between feminine graceful and masculine tough. Her raven-black hair was cut short, and she was already dressed. She looked like she was chinese, but spoke with a Brooklyn accent. There was an obvious scar on the bridge of her nose, and her eyes were a clear blue. Still grinning, Becka left, leaving Jess to get up. She looked into her closet, which was full of clothes that all fit perfectly. Finally deciding on a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt, she left for the mess hall. "Uh, Cleary, before I leave, can you tell me where the mess hall is?" (Oh, that's easy. When you leave the building, grab a bike outside. Then go down the road and make a left.) "Thanks." Jess replied, as the cheetah head gnawed on the wooden plaque it was fixed to. Jess took the elevator down. When she left, she noticed there was a bike rack. She quickly grabbed a bike. The nameplate rippled, and her name appeared. Following Cleary's directions, she made it in five minutes flat. Entering, Jess was overwhelmed by the amount of people. There were mostly teenagers, with several younger kids, and maybe twenty adults. Maia was sitting at a table at the head of the room, with the girl she recognized as Becka. There were six other kids that she didn't recognize, but Lily waved at her from a table with a bunch of other girls whose legs were furry and had tails. Jess sat down at a random table after grabbing some food from a buffet. A girl with milky blue eyes and blonde hair so pale that it looked white was sitting next to her. "I'm Chase. Are you the new girl?" "Uh, yeah. I'm Jess." she replied. "What's your power?" Chase asked. "Um, Maia, my friend, told me I have water powers." Jess said. "Wow, an elementalist? You're the first in five years! I'm an air elementalist. I was the last elementalist to come before you." Chase replied, excited. "So...uh, Becka said something about training." Jess tried to start a conversation, but Chase gasped. "You said Maia is your friend. That means you're friends with one from the Prophecy!" Jess stared. "A prophecy?" Chase's face fell. "Oh, that's right, you're new. You'll learn it. Every Magical knows this prophecy by heart." "What is it?" Jess asked. Chase took a deep breath, and said:

"When war has raged for ten long years,

The Chosen Ones will come.

When the grave is dug and the heavens shed tears,

The Chosen Ones will come.

Find the first at beck and call,

The second, broken in a fall.

The third and fourth will come to you,

The fifth one from the forest, too.

The thunderous one, no doubt, will prevail,

But won through defeat and freed through jail.

In the final battle one must fall,

But northern winds will save us all.

A Scorpio and an Aquarius too,

The Cursed ones, will come through.

Cursed for life, followed by crow,

Will take the Cursed Blade

And deal the deathblow."

"Okay. That sounds...interesting." Jess said. "Every Magical that has ever lived knows the prophecy by heart. Nine years ago, the Order of Darkness declared war on us. In a year and a half, the prophecy should come true." Jess winced. "I just hope I'm not part of it." Chase suddenly looked nervous. "When's your birthday?" "February 13th." Chase gulped. "You're an Aquarius. There's only two here, including you." 

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