Chapter 4

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After breakfast, Jess tried not to dwell on the fact that she was probably destined to be cursed for the rest of her life. She asked Lily where to go next. "Oh, the water elementalists go to training with Katrina. She's right over there." Jess thanked Lily and went off to join the tall, lean girl with brown eyes and curly red hair. "Hi. I'm Katrina. If I remember correctly, you are the new kid." "Yep, that's me." Jess said. "I'm gonna take you and the other Waters over to the Twin Towers for some dry land practice before we move onto the aquatic techniques." Katrina told her. "Wait, the Twin Towers? Those were destroyed fifteen years ago." Jess was skeptical. "No," Katrina said. "The rock formation that inspired them." A few minutes later, she and a few dozen other Waters boarded a sci-fi military jet. "Keep your seat belts fastened." "Wha--" they shot forward at an alarming speed. A calm looking boy with brown hair with the ends dyed blue, maybe thirteen, was sitting next to her. He looked up and grinned. "Not used to it, eh?" His accent sounded like it was from New Orleans. Finally, they slowed to a less terrifying speed. "The name's Arthur. How's it hangin'?" Jess frowned. "I'm Jess. And you better not be trying to flirt with me." Arthur stifled a laugh. "I'm twelve. What else can I say?" "When you're fifteen, don't even think about it." Jess replied with an irritated glare. Arthur smirked. "I should tell you the members of the prophecy." He took out a set of pictures. He pointed to the asian kid. "That's Raj. He has the most powerful healing abilities I've ever seen." Next, he pointed to a pale-skinned boy with silver hair that was greased back. "That's Fircone. He has super strength and speed. Also, he is the techie of the group. He's British, and a pranking expert." Arthur then pointed to a brown haired boy with a big, goofy smirk on his face. "That's Chris. General comic relief. He's a fire elementalist." Arthur then explained the girls. "You already know them, but I'll tell you their powers. Maia has psychic powers, telekinesis, sonic blasts, mind reading, all that stuff. Becka is also a shapeshifter. Thundra is an air elementalist." Jess nodded. "I know them. Suddenly, the speakers came on. "Prepare for landing." a pre recorded voice said. When the door opened, Jess was stunned. Somehow they'd landed next to a dense forest in a large, open area in front of two flat-topped, cylindrical mountains, both probably 1000 feet tall. Stunted trees grew off of the cliffs, clinging by their roots. Dense clouds shrouded the sky, and lightning flickered. "Cool, isn't it? Arthur asked. Jess was lost for words. "All right, everybody get your weapons! I want a few decent practice fights for our newbie, no intentional maiming, no magic! Show her how to do it!" Katrina yelled. She no longer seemed like a calm, collected 17-year-old, and more like an irritated, yelling teacher. "Okay, Michelle, Tony! You guys go first!" Katrina yelled. A girl with auburn hair and a blonde boy walked up. The girl was holding two boomerangs with blades on them in her hands, and the boy had a battle axe. "Okay, begin!" Katrina yelled and stepped out of the way. Michelle backflipped over Tony's head, and threw a boomerang. It struck him in the side, tearing his shirt, and cutting a thin line of blood in his side. Gritting his teeth, Tony swung his axe, and the handle hit Michelle in the backs of her knees, making her fall over. "Good fight. Jason, George. You're up." Katrina said. Two identical boys, both with black hair and identical swords came up. Jess winced as they got into a heated sword fight, and George finally fell down, but both twins were bruised and bloody from each other. Jess hoped she wouldn't be matched up. Then, after two more fights, Katrina handed her a sword. "All right, now you have to give fighting me your best shot." Jess flinched. "Can you go easy?" Katrina responded by pulling out a bo staff with pointed tips and attacked. Luckily, Jess had fast reflexes. Bringing up the sword, she managed to deflect the staff. Obviously, Katrina wasn't expecting her to move so fast. Jess decided to try attacking. She made a swing at Katrina, but she ducked, and hit her in the stomach. "OW!" Jess yelled, and fell back. "You gotta stay aware of your surroundings (She struck Jess in the thigh), and NEVER underestimate your enemy (Katrina then caught Jess in the chin with the staff)." Katrina told her as Jess managed to crawl to her feet, bruised and bleeding.


Three relatively uneventful weeks passed. Jess became better at fighting, and she had a knack for sword fighting and shooting, and studied the Magical world in the massive library. She settled into her new home and got into a routine, and signed a pact to follow Maia and her friends for life. Jess decided to get to know some of Maia's friends. "Hey Cleary? Where would I find Maia this time of day?" (They'll be in the mess hall.) "Thanks." Jess told the stuffed head. As she walked out the door, she had a gut feeling she wouldn't be coming back in a while. She grabbed her messenger bag, just in case. Riding her bike to the mess hall, Jess drew weird looks from the other Magicals. Breakfast had been an hour ago. When she walked in, her friend looked like she was attending a war council. Hiding under a table, Jess watched. "It won't work! For the last time, it won't!" Thundra paced as she yelled gruffly. "For once, I agree with Thundra. We may be well-trained, but Tiffany has the advantage of numbers. They also have the latest weaponry, and she disciplines her troops in a horrid way." Fircone said with a serious tone. Arthur was right. He had a British accent. "Chill, dude." Chris said. "She hasn't found us." "Yet." Maia reminded him. "C'mon, sis. If we just set the trap in the Upper East Side--" "No, no, NO! That'll require too many Magicals, and we'll leave this place unprotected!" Thundra yelled. Jess held a hand over her mouth. Maia had a brother? "Calm down, Thundra. Remember, three deep breaths, and close your eyes." Becka said. "But I do agree. The kids at Camp Half-Blood haven't been communicating with us lately, and I'm not sure why." she added. So far, Raj hadn't spoken. There was a bandage on his forehead, and he was holding an ice pack to his cheekbone. "I'm still not sure this is gonna work, after that Storm gave Raj a concussion." Maia sighed. "Relax, it wasn't major, but I still have a nasty bump on my head, and sometimes I still see stars, but I'm fine." Raj spoke for the first time. Jess couldn't hold it back. She sneezed. Thundra shot to her feet. "WHO WAS THAT?!" she yelled loudly. "Uh, hi." Jess said. Maia looked scandalized, Chris was holding back giggles, Becka looked freaked out, Raj almost fell out of his chair, and Fircone looked like he smelled something bad. Maia sighed. "Yeah, I better explain."

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