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I fap to undertail porn. Gabby confessed to kathan

Omfg daddy yes kathan knelt on the ground and a car smashed into his ass

Yes fucking me with that exhaust pipe  of yours the car pulled out and kathan yelled because no one came and he was sad that on Tumblr in all the fan fiction it says you can come every time someone trusts an exhaust pipe in your ass but that doesn't really make to much sense like I feel like it would hurt if you came that much like leave your maximum to 3 like one when it goes in one in the middle and if the top didn't cum yet then do  one at the end together because yeah

Kathan-senpai? Gibby asked him scared. Why r u ranting about this shit?

Kathan got a 19inch dildo and shoved it in his moulth

Gabby got moist because he looked like a fish and she also wanted to be a fishy fish

Gabby X kathainWhere stories live. Discover now