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And now you may kiss the br- 

My eyes violently opened and my body shook up. The honking of horns behind me woke me up. Darn you ! I was getting to the part where I married my dream guy, Josh Peck. I would love his sweet cheeks but now he is much older. He now no longer looks innocent. I look up and realize I slept through a green light and I'm 10 minutes late for class. Great, just great. This is great how this is the way I am starting senior year.

It took me another 15 minutes to get out of the traffic that was going on but I also caused it partly, whoops ! I rushed into the school doors  but realized they were locked. So I started kicking and punching the door to expect it to knock  down or something like how it does in those movies. 

After a few minutes a Janitor came to the door and opened it and gave me the dirtiest look of all time. Great, now the janitor hates me. 
I mumbled a quick thank you and ran to my first class which was art, I always loved the teacher there. He is a big chubby guy with hips bigger than my future. 
Knee slap ! I crack myself up. 
I barged into the room but regretted it since the principle was giving everyone a lecture and I looked at the teachers desk but there was no chubby guy ! This class is now officially lame.

The principle looked at me and then everyones curious eyes looked at me but I swear I heard someone faintly say, "Dang she got some nice ass.".

"Miss Kris! What a delight to see you here. Would you like to explain why you're late to the class?"
"Well I stayed up too late seeing what male celebrities babies would look like if they had a kid with me and ended up falling asleep on a red light."

He gave me that look where you can tell he is feeling sorry for my parents for having me but only if he knew I did too.

I just sat in the back since it was very quiet and empty and the ONLY seats available. That's what I get for being late. 

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