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Classes passed by quickly and now it was time for lunch. I always liked lunch. Not because of the food, because it gives me time to think and to be alone. I had friends, many of them but they all ditched me since the incident.

I was just standing in the lunch line going to pay for my food. It's finally my turn so I pull out my wallet.  I open it and look inside but then I realize- its empty ! 

I just sighed and put the food back and walked back to my seat. I looked around at all of people laughing and gossiping with their friends. A overwhelming of sadness washed over me. 
I just put my head down and wished for it all to be over soon and then I sense someone just sat down next to me.

"Hello !" A deep voice said. It was actually quite sexy.

I put my head up and looked at the stranger sitting next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and just mumbled a hi. I saw a different tray of food next to him and guessed someone else was coming too but instead he placed it in front of me.

"Whats this for ?" My voice was laced with a bit of confusion.

"Well I was waiting in the lunch line and saw you put your food back, I guessed you forgot your lunch money so I just thought of being nice for once."

He smiled. It was the cutest. Two dimples were placed on his cheek. I looked at him in awe. Maybe this is the start of something new.

I just caught myself staring at him for a minute straight and I could sense the awkwardness so I just turned back to my food and mumbled a thank you and put on a shy smile but believe me, i was very thankful.

"So, whats your name ?"

"Andrea. Andrea Kris to be exact."
"Well, I'm Wesley. Wesley Tucker to be exact."
I just chuckled as he mimicked my wording.

All of a sudden this gorgeous girl with dark brown eyes and dark hair that was medium length. She smiles and walks over to us and wraps her arms around the new stranger known as Wesley. 

"Wes !! I missed you" She had a high pitched voice but it fit her well.

He rolled his eyes and pushes her off.

"Don't you ever get the hint ? We're over. We have been over for the past year."

She puts on the well known pouty face and starts to bat her eyelashes.
"I never meant to kiss him, I swear ! He kissed me."

He abruptly stood up and trust me, he looked scary. Even murderous. 

"Oh you never meant to because it was just a 'accident' huh ? Was it just a kiss  ? Don't you even dare tell me it was because ending up in bed with my god damn brother is not a accident OR just kissing. How do u sleep at night knowing the pain you caused to some you sick bitch." 

His voice started to crack and tears were welled up in his eyes. I just sorry for the  boy with the piercing hazel eyes. 

It just got awkward for me and I stood up and left silently. I don't think anyone noticed since they started to scream at each other.

I rushed outside to take a quick breather. At that moment I feel a boy wrapping his arms around me forcefully. His breath was hitting the back of my neck and I just got stiff. I knew who it was and I wish he would never show up again. I turned around and never thought I would see him again. I was hoping I could avoid him. 

"Hello sweetheart." He sounded odd and his eyes were dilated.
Of course he was high.

"Ray, let go of me."

"Not in till you suck me off."

I scoffed. Was he fucking serious ?
"I will never in a million years do that, you disgust me."

He then started to unbutton my jeans and I got scared. I froze into place.

"What are you doing ? Ray stop you're scaring me."

"Don't worry baby girl."

I screamed on the top of my lungs but he covered my mouth quickly and his eyes were filled with a insane look.

I closed my eyes afraid of might happen but I couldn't push him off. I was frozen and scared. All of a sudden his hands were off of me and he was on the ground. Wesley was on top of him punching him multiple times. I took it the time to pull up my pants and button them and rip Wesley off of Ray.

"Never touch her again you twisted motherfucker."

Then Wesley got up and hugged me tightly. He just met me today, barely knew me, and he saved me. 

In a while I finally felt safe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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