Telling Ralph

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Well after the initial shock of Waige actually being cannon, I came up with this little piece of fluff. I'm sure that there will be more before Monday because I have so many ideas. But for now, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

"We have to tell Ralph, at the right time."


No one had gotten more than ten minutes alone for the past few days. Walter and Paige kept trying to sneak away, as did the newlyweds, but they were always interrupted within a few minutes. Finally though, towards the end of the night everyone but Ralph, Walter and Paige were still sitting out by the fire. Paige stood up and grabbed Walter by the arm and pulled him out of earshot from Ralph.

"Ralph honey Walter and I will be right back we just need to talk about something, okay?"

"Okay." Ralph responded.

Once they were far enough Walter looked at Paige strangely. "I think we should tell him." Paige said.

"W-Wait now?" Walter responded.

"Yeah, I mean we haven't gotten a moment alone and now that the three of us are finally by our selves it just feels right. Plus then we don't have to hide from him anymore, I mean everyone else knows." Paige said.

"I mean I did say when ever you feel is the right time to tell him, and if you feel that now is the right time, then I'm okay with that. Let's tell him." Walter said smiling. Paige smiled back, took his had and led him back over to where Ralph was sitting. They both sat back down and looked at each other. "Ralph, Walter and I have something we need to tell you." Paige said to her son.

"Hmm? Yeah what's up?" He responded.

"Well uh," Paige trailed off and looked at Walter who shrugged his shoulders.

"Ralph your mother and I have uh," Walter started, trailed off and looked at Paige who shrugged her shoulders.

"We have decided to take our relationship to the next level." Paige said and looked at Walter who nodded.

"Uh yes we have, and we wanted to tell you, and make sure that y-you were okay with m-me d-dating your mother." Walter said and Ralph shot off the log he was sitting on.

"T-This isn't a joke right?" Ralph asked his mentor and mother. They looked at each other and smiled.

"No Ralph, this isn't a joke." Paige responded smiling. Ralph responded by launching himself into a hug with the both of them.

When he finally pulled away he said, "Walter of course I'm okay with you and mom dating. I knew eventually that this would happen. I'm so happy for the both of you."

Walter squeezed Paige's hand lightly and smiled. "Yeah buddy we're happy too." He said and Paige looked at him, smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Ew, gross." Ralph said. "I may have wanted you too together but I don't want to see any kisses." Paige and Walter laughed.

"Come here Ralph." Paige said pulling both of them into a hug. Pulling away she directed her attention to her son. "Time for bed, go on I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay. Good night mom, good night Walter." Ralph said.

"Good night buddy." Walter responded fluffing the boys' hair.

"Night Ralph." Paige said. After he walked away Paige said to Walter, "He took that well."

"Yeah he did." Walter said smiling.

"Hey Walter?" Paige said leaning against his shoulder.

"Hmm?" He responded.

"I know it took us a while to get here, but I'm happy we found our way back. No matter how it happened, and what we both went through in order to get here. I'm really happy Walter, this is the happiest I've been in a long time." Paige said.

"Yeah I mean it took us three years, but uh it was worth the wait. I haven't been this happy in a very long time." Walter said and kissed her head. "I love you Paige Dineen."

"I love you too Walter O'Brien." Paige said leaning up and kissing him on the lips. Both of them smiled into the kiss. Pulling away she rested her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head. She smiled. This was it. This was where they were supposed to be, after three years of dancing around their feelings this was it.

Aaannnndd there it is. I really hope you liked it, leave me a comment if you did. There will be more coming before Monday so just you wait. Thank you for reading! 

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