Morning After

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So that finale was soooo good and the fact that this season is over screwed me up so much that it took me almost a week to be functional and to actually be able to write this. So this is a Waige morning after kinda thing it's not smutty though so don't worry if that's not your thing. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

When Walter woke up the sun was streaming through the curtains. He looked down and smiled. Paige was still asleep on his chest. He kissed the top of her head lightly, careful not to wake her up. He wrapped his arm around her tighter and closed his eyes trying to go back to sleep.

Almost an hour and a half later he woke up again, but this time Paige wasn't with him. He sat up and called her name. She emerged from the bathroom wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of his shorts. She smiled, and crawled beside him snuggling into his side.

"Mmm good morning." She whispered.

"Morning." He responded kissing her forehead. "How did you sleep?" he asked.

"Very good. Best sleep I've had in a while." She responded looking up and him and smiling.

He smiled back and said, "Good I'm glad." She kissed him gently on the lips before parting when he asked. "What time is it?"

"Uh ten after nine. Why?" She responded.

"What time do you think Sylvester will drop Ralph off?" He asked her.

"I told him to come by around noon. Why?" Paige responded.

"Well we don't have any food here, so do you wanna go over to Kovelsky's to grab breakfast and then go grocery shopping?" Walter asked.

"Yeah sounds good. I'll just go get my clothes from downstairs." Paige said.

"Okay." Walter responded. He smiled as she crawled back out of bed and went down the stairs to grab her clothes. Soon enough he was also getting out of bed, changing and getting ready for the day.

Twenty minutes later Paige and Walter were both ready and headed out, hand in hand to the car. They were seated fairly quickly at a table and both ordered their regular meals. The food came quickly as well.

"It feels so good to not be eating coconut and fish for breakfast." Paige said.

"And drinking coffee." Walter responded.

"Hmm yes." Paige responded smiling and sipping the hot beverage. They finished their breakfasts in a comfortable silence, grinning at each other every few minutes. When they finished eating, Walter payed for both of their meals and they walked hand in hand, once again, to the car. Walter drove again, keeping his fingers intertwined with Paige's. They both smiled. Paige turned on the radio and fussed with the stations until she landed on one that she was satisfied with. She began humming along to the catchy tunes and Walter turned and looked at her and smiled, she looked at him and smiled back.

"Hey Walter," Paige said breaking the silence.

"Hmm?" He said returning his focus on the road.

"I love you." She said kissing the palm of his hand and grinning like a teenager.

He smiled and looked at her again, "I love you too Paige."

A few minutes later they pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store and proceeded to go inside. Almost and hour and $190 dollars later, Walter and Paige emerged from the store with multiple bags of food. Some healthier and some that were a little bit on the un-healthy side. Even though Paige had picked out almost all of the healthy foods she made sure she got some ice-cream for Ralph, some popcorn and some chocolate covered peanuts because she hoped the three of them could have a few movie nights during the next two weeks. Walter had smiled when she picked out the chocolate covered peanuts and she kissed him lightly on the lips. When they got back to the garage, they worked together to put all the groceries away, and were done in record time. They decided to relax a bit on the couch and watch some TV before Sly came and dropped Ralph off. Sitting on the couch, Walter draped his arm around Paige, who then cuddled closer to him and rested her head on his chest. They both quickly dozed off and didn't even hear when Sly and Ralph entered the garage. They found Paige and Walter passed out on the couch and they looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's leave them be. They'll wake up on their own time." Sylvester said to Ralph.

'Good idea." Ralph responded, and the two of them walked over to the board and started giving each other different equations to solve.

A few minutes later Paige and Walter woke up at the same time and heard Ralph and Sylvester talking. They both stood up from the couch and walked over to them.

"Hey guys." Walter said.

"Hey Walter, hey mom." Ralph said barely taking his attention off the equation he was trying to solve.

"So Sly did you revive your self?" Paige asked smirking.

"I did, and it took a while but I am no longer legally dead so that's good." Sylvester responded.

"That's great. Did you guys get any sleep?" She asked.

"Um a few hours. We went to bed at three and we woke up at eleven so we got an adequate amount of sleep." Sly responded.

"Good I'm glad." Paige said and waited a few minutes for Ralph to finish what he was doing. When he was done he turned around. "Did you behave Ralph?" She asked.

"Yes mom." He responded.

"Good, do you have all your stuff?" Paige asked.

"Yep right here." He responded.

Paige smiled and walked over to Sylvester, "Thanks again for watching him. I really appreciate it."

"Yeah it was no problem." He responded.

"Do you need a ride home?" She asked.

"Uh nope I think I'm good, thanks though." He said. "Uh I'll see you guys in a few days I guess."

"Bye Sly." The three of them said at once and he waved back. Once he had left Paige turned to Ralph and said, "Ralph, Walter and I were thinking the three of us could go out for dinner tonight."

"Okay, it's not like I have any other plans." Ralph responded.

"We were also going to tell you that some nights it'll just be Walter and I going out for dinner, and some nights we'll sleep over here, and other nights he'll come to our place. You okay with that?" Paige asked.

"Of course I am." The boy responded and Paige and Walter looked at each other and smiled. "Can I go play my game now?" He asked.

"Sure." Paige responded.

Walter waited until Ralph was out of earshot before he spoke, "So we never did technically discuss us sleeping over at each others places."

Paige looked a bit scared when he said that, "Oh well I uh just assumed that after last night, we would be spending more nights together. Uh if that's not what you want," She started to say before Walter cut her off.

"Paige, of course I want to spend more nights with you I was just kidding. And I was actually thinking I would empty a few of my drawers so you and Ralph can keep some clothes here. It's more efficient because then you don't have to run home in the mornings to get ready." Walter said.

"You know it's funny you say that because I was going to do the same thing for you at my apartment." Paige said moving closer to him.

"Hmm is that so." He responded, she was now less than a foot away from him; she smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you." He mumbled against her lips.

She smiled in response and mumbled against his lips and said, "I love you too Walter." When they separated Paige asked softly, "Do you wanna stay over tonight?"

He smiled and kissed her again. "Sure." He responded. They both smiled when the need for oxygen became un-bearable.

"Bring the wine. We never did open it." She said quietly and Walter smirked.

"I still don't know if it's even any good." He said jokingly.

"Hmm, well we will just have to see now won't we?" Paige said with a seductive tone. Walter grinned.

Okay so I had no idea how to end this so I figured I would just end it here. I really hope you all enjoyed this, and I'll try to come up with some more Fic ideas soon. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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