Chapter One

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          Right as the alarm on my phone wakes me up from my sleep, I have to resist the urge to throw it at the wall. Why? Well because today is Thursday and I have a English test today, and guess what! It's my first class of the day. Yay me, note the sarcasm.

         After getting out of bed, reluctantly I may add, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do what a person does in the bathroom. As I brush my teeth I decide on what I'm going to wear to school. Black ripped jeans, a black shirt, my black Adidas, and my black hoodie that says " Tatted and Employed" on it, I know, that's a lot of black clothing, but it just looks good together, so I have to wear it. I grab my phone and bag, then head downstairs. Once I get to the kitchen, I see my mom, my older sister Addison, my older brother Daniel, and my two younger siblings, who are twins, Natalia and Nathan. Before I sit down to eat breakfast, I greet everyone good morning.

"Morning hun, how'd you sleep" Asks my ma.

         I just shrug my shoulders. Today my mom made pancakes, and not just regular pancakes, she made chocolate chip, my fav. YUM. I eat 2 before I look at the time and have to leave for school. I give my mom a hug and start walking to my school, Fraser high.  The walk to school isn't long, 10-15 minutes. On the way I meet up with Lydia, and Jack, 2 out of 3 of my bestfriends, the third being my bed. I met Lydia when I was 3 and we've been close ever since. Jack on the other hand, we met in grade 6, that was 5 years ago. Jack thought it would be funny to take my ice cream and run, that's also the day he learned to never take my food. 

" Hellllloooooo ladies" Is Jack's lame greeting, as per usual. As we're walking, he wraps a hand around Leilas shoulders, and start to talk. I take this time to assess them. They would make such a cute couple. Jack with his light brown curly hair and eyes, and Lydia's blonde and brown eyes. Although they look like  cute couple physically, their personalities are where they clash. Lydia is what you call a nerd, she does all her work, goes to school everyday and gets straight A's. Jack on the other hand is a player, he'll be lucky if he can even get a B-. See in our little circle, we have the nerd, the player, and well me. I'm not a nerd, nor am i a player, or anything like that. I'm just normal. I do my work, get decent grades, and sit at home watching supernatural. Yep, that's my broing life almost everyday, i wouldn't change it for the world though, because Sam and Dean.

         We get to school just before first bell, and then we part ways, and I go to drop off my stuff at my locker. Just as I'm about to go to my English class, I bump into someone and fall on my ass.

"Fuck man. Watch where you're going"

       Great, just what I needed today. Bumping into on of the 4 musketeers is not good, they're called the musketeers because they're never separated. And guess which one I bumped into, the schools biggest player, MIchael Grey. You see there is 4 of them. First there is Michael Grey, the school player, then there is Jake Alexander, he's the nicest of them all,  then Calvin Jones, he's the captain of the basketball team. And lastly, there is Asher Foley, or as people call him 'God', no seriously, that's what they call him. I on the other hand call him "trouble with a stick up his ass". Hes the schools Bad Boy, tattoos cover his entire body from the neck down, his hair is jet black, and his eyes? Oh they're- wait, i don't even know the colour. No one has ever looked at his eyes to know. They say hes too scary, but I just call them wimps.

        I look at Michael as I'm getting up, but my eyes wonder to the left, beside him are Jake and Calvin. And they're all looking at me, as if I'm supposed to say sorry. Instead I say something that shocks them all. 2 itsy bitsy words.

     "Fuck Off" And as I'm walking away, I hear laughter, followed by a door slamming shut.


        It's not until lunch time that I realize what I had done. I told Michael Grey to fuck off. I told one of the 4 musketeers to fuck off. Ooooh I am so dead. And as Lydia, Jack and I sit at our usual table, and tell them what happened, all they can do is laugh at my impending doom. Some friends they are, right?

      "Come on Cameron, you aren't gonna die. All you said was 'fuck off' its not like you punched him" Says Jack, amusment clear in his eyes. Easy for him to say, he's not the one who's going to die.

     "Cam, you're going to be fiiine. Now, onto more serious issues. There is a party happening this Friday, and we're going" The look I give Lydia must be priceless, because both Jack and Lydia burst out laughing. Pop spilling out of Jacks mouth. They know parties are just something I don't do.

"What could go wrong? Just take this one little risk Cam" Jack looks at me pleadingly "We'll by you ice cream before the party" Lydia offers. I cant resist. Guess whos going to a party this Friday, annnnd getting ice cream? Cameron Jay, that's who !


      As the end of the day rolls around, the school is buzzing with gossip about what happened between Michael and I. How they found out? I have no idea, there was no one in the hall besides the four of us. By the time I reached my fourth and last class, it seems as if the day is never gonna end. You have no idea how many time's I've been asked if I punched Michael, or if I was sleeping with him. I even had one girl come up to me and tell me that she would kill me if I was dating him. Like are you serious? He would never date boring ole me, not that I'd say yes if he asked. These rumors are getting more out of hand by the minute. 

         My last class of the day is gym. And I'm praying that Michael doesn't show up for class, because if he does, I'm going to cry. 

      My luck of avoiding him all day ran out the moment he stepped through those gym doors. As soon as he seen me, he sent me his signature smirk, basically letting me know that I'm dead. I bolt it into the changing room and change into my gym clothes, which consist of a pair of short shorts, and a t-shirt with the school logo on it. It's not that bad, but the shorts could be a bit longer.

       When I get back into the gym, I try my best to hide in the crowd of students, but like I said, my luck runs out. Michael pulls me aside and smirks down at me.

"Guess what sugar, coach decided that today we're playing, and I'm not gonna play nice" He whispers in my ear before backing away with a wink. I gulp and pray that I make it out alive.

      The sound of a whistle being blown breaks me out of my little prayer, and I look at my coach, Mr.Davies. "Alright class, today we're gonna play dodgeball, and I've alredy chosen the teams, so don't even complain" he says. And he wasn't kidding. While Michael was on the other team, with basically ALL the good players, I was on the team with the not so good one. 

     Halfway through the class, and my team already lost most of it's players. The only ones left are me, Jackie, Don, Luke, and Gabe. They ain't half, bad, but the other team are better. A ball comes flying my way, and as soon as I catch it, I thow it at the other team, and to my horror, I hit Michael straight in the face. Coach's whistle sounds, and the game stops. Michael is sitting on the floor with a bloody nose, and if looks could kill, I'd be more than just dead right now.

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