Chapter 2

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         Ever since the incident on Wednesday in gym class with Michael, I haven't seen him and its been 2 days. It's finally Friday. It isn't until lunch time that I see any of muskateers at school. And guess where they are, at the back of the school smoking. How do I know? Well because Lydia and I are watching Jack's soccer team practice.

        Lyd can't seem to stop talking about the party and what she should wear, an dI swear I'm trying to be a good friend and listen, but I just can't seem to stop looking at Michael and his group. He wont stop giving me the death stare. Jake seems to notice that something is wrong with Michael, and looks over at me and makes an 'oh' type of face, as if just realizing why Michael would be looking at me. I honestly feel so bad about what happened in gym class, I tried apologizing, but he just flipped me the finger, told me to fuvck off, and left. So I don't see why hes so butthurt about it- Out of no where, someone is snapping their fingers at me, and as my eyes come into focus, I realize that it's Lyd.

"What are you doing? Are you even paying attention to me?" She sounds a bit annoyed, oops.

        I look at her and try to give her my best 'I'm sorry' face, but she just shakes her head and says whatever. As she resumes talking about the party, I look over to where musketeers were, and come to find that they're gone.

        The bell that signals the end of lunch rings, and Lei and I start walking to our history class. While she hates this class, it's actually one of my favorites, and it's so not because the teacher is my cousin. Pshhh noo, never. Okay maybe. BUT it's not like I get treated differently, to me, the class is cool because she doesn't constantly talk like the old teacher did. As we take our seats Mrs. Jensen ( Also known as Marcy, my cousin) takes attendance and gives us a work sheet based on WWII. I take back what I said earlier, I hate this class.


        After school I meet up with Lyd and Jack, and we all start walking home.

"So, are we still getting ice cream" Jack looks at lyd and I. What the fuck, of course we are. I hear someone laughing and look up from my phone to see that Jack is the one laughing, and Lei has a smile on her face. "what?" I ask.

"Hun, you said that out loud, and yes Jack, we are, we promised Cam" Lyd says with humour laced in her voice.

        As we walk, we all agree to go get ice cream at 7, so that we have enough time to hang out before the party starts, which is at 9. As we part with Jack, Lyd tells me she'll come to my house around 5:30 so we can get ready together, and soon we get to her house, and we hug goodbye.

        I'm almost at my house when I hear the sound of an engine, and as I look behind me, I see a black Ford F 150, and as it passes, I see that the musketeers are the ones to occupy the space inside. I quickly walk to my front door, hoping they don't realize who I am, and for once, luck is on my side.

        When I get inside I take off my shoes and throw my bag beside the door and call out to my mom, wondering if shes home. When I don't get a reply, I go to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I grab an apple and then go to the living room and decide to watch Supernatural until Lei shows up.


         I wake up from my nap to hear the sound of someone knocking on the door, and when I open it, I'm greeted by my bestfriend, Lydia.

"Finally, I've been knocking for the past five minutes, what were you doing?"I give her a sheepish smile, and that's the only answer she needs. She knew I was sleeping. "I swear Cam, if you could, you'd sleep your life away" Lyd says shaking her head.

"I'm sorry Lyd, I was watching supernatural, waiting for you" I say as we head up to my room. As soon as we get to my room, Lyd is already in my closet looking for something to wear. As I look at her, I start to take her appearance in. Shes wearing a cute light red skater dress, with a beige cardigan, and black flats. She curled her hair, and pinned one side behind her ear. Shes not wearing much make up, only mascara and lip gloss. "Aha!" she says as she exits my closet, holding a cream coloured halter top, and light blue jeans.

"Okay Cam, put this on, and come here so I can do your hair" Before going to change, I grab a new pair of socks. As soon as I'm done changing, Lei pulls me over to my desk and makes me sit down.

     Lyd decided to straighten my hair, part it down the middle, and pull one side behind my ear. Then she does my make up. She gave me a smokey eye, with winged eyeliner, mascara. and nude pink lips. "Alright, what do you think?" she ask's as soon as shes done. And as I look at myself in the mirro, I must say she did a really good job, I almost don't recognize myself.

"I look great Lyd! Thank you" I give her a hug, before checking the time, and realizing we are ten minutes late. Its 7:10! I grab my shoes, and black leather jacket, and we rush out the door to meet Jack at the ice cream parlour.


       When we get to the party, it already seems in full swing. Music blaring from the windows, people passed out on the lawn, some girl puking her guts out. And this is why I never go to parties. The person throwing this party is no other than Josh Maynard. He throws parties like tis all the time, since his parents are never home.

        We walk inside to see the living room packed with dancing bodies. As we walk further in the house, we see the kitchen counter filled with booze and in the dining room there is a mini DJ area set up. The three of us decided to start off with beers, and then we go sit on the couch and talk. After some time, and about 5 other drinks, I notice everyone stopped dancing, and are looking at the door. When I look over, I see Michael, Jake, Calvin, and- Asher? Since when does he go to parties? It's been rumored that he doesn't go to parties, like ever. And yet here he is. When the guys notice be starring longer than the others, they start to smirk. Or well, all of them except Asher, he has a scowl on his face.

       I look away and focus on what my friends are talking about again. "Hey guys, I'm just gonna go find the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit" I say and see them nod.

        I start my little journey up the stairs to find the bathroom, when suddenly I'm pushed into one of the rooms. When I look up, I see some guy I don't recognize, must be from another school. I'm broken out of my thoughts when he starts pulling my to the bed, and my body kiks into gear. I start thrashing and kicking, but he's a lot stronger than me. He throws me on the bed, and as I'm trying to crawl away, he straddles me. I start screaming for help. But no one comes.

      Tears start to poor down my face as he's trying to unbutton my jeans. I keep hitting him and telling him to get off. Right as he's about to take off my jeans. He's gone. And next thing I know, I hear someone groaning in pain. When I look up, I see Asher Foley beating the shit out of my attacker. I'm too shocked to do anything other than stare when Asher comes up to me. I think he asked if I was okay, but i couldn't speak. Next thing i know, I'm being lifted off the bed, and carried away.

         I don't rememeber what happened exactly, all I know is that I woke up in a car with Asher. I tried asking where we're going, but the words wouldn't come out. I realize I'm in shock. When the car stops, Asher gets out, and comes to my side. He opens the door and lifts me out.  It isn't until we get to his livingroom that my body gets mobility back. Asher doesn't even have time to put me down when my body started to move on its own. I think I even kicked him once or twice, but he didn't say anthying. As my body stopped thrashing. Tears pooled out of my eyes, and I couldn't stop crying. I guess the events of the night took a toll on me, because I started to black out. But before I did, I felt Asher pick me up, and then nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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