A house not a home

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"We will be taking a muggle car because you-know-who is watching the floo networks." Mother said to Regulus and I.
We walked out side and looked upon a shiny black limousine.
"Get in the back." Mother told us.
It was four seats. Mother and Regulus sat on one side, with Reg by the window, and I said a seat sways by the other window. Our butler (the only one that was not a house elf) drove us away.
The second the school was out of view, mother lost her temper.
She grabbed me by my hair and forced me to look at her.
"I-I just wanted to say hi to my dear little brother!" I said sarcastically
She slapped me. I went to rub my cheek but she grabbed my hand.
"You get a beating when you get home, UNDERSTAND?!?!"
"Yes....ma'am." I whimpered.
I always told James that father's fists hurt, but mothers words hurt.
When I went to Mrs. Potters house I had a real mother.
The car ride was long. I wanted to cry and cry and cry, but I refused to weep in front of my mother. I did not want her to know that she got to me.
We arrived home right before 7:30. Mother immediately screamed for father.
She always called me 'Sirius Wirius' when she was 100% pleased with herself.
Father came down.
Father had neat black hair, a stubble, sharp blue eyes, and lots of scowl marks. When he did smile, it was simple to see that he gave Regulus and I his crooked grin.
"Yes, Walburga?" He said lazily.
"Sirius and Ickle Reggy are home! Time for there treats!" She had a nasty grin on her face.
"Yes, indeed." He walked down the stairs "Kreature!" He barked for our house elf.
Kreature rushed into the kitchen holding two boxes. One was beautifully wrapped in crisp green paper, and the other was poorly wrapped in old red paper. Kreature handed Regulus the green one, and handed me the green one.
Reg looked at me with a look of confusion on his face. I never got gifts from mother and father.
He opened his. It was an a shiny green amulet that opened. It had a picture of him, mother and father on one side. It had me on the other with the words "blood traitor" across my face.
"Thanks...." he said awkwardly
Mother looked at me with a nasty grin on her face. Father's lip was curling.
I slowly opened it. Inside contained a rusty key.
"What-" I started, but mother cut me off.
"You are moving to the basement !" Mother told me.
"Because we are making your bedroom another guest room."
Father leaped forward, grabbing my chin.
"Go move your stuff." He said, half throwing me into the stairs.
"Yes sir...." I said shakily

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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