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Another day had risen, and the sun was shining in the sky quite spectacularly. The clouds were evanescent from the prior evening, each one mere puffs and wisps now that would leave just the sky-blue of the heavens for all to see that day. Everything was perfectly aligned, and were you listening closely a few birds chirp see along as they saw fit, their harmonious sounds settling about the city. The air was warm, just enough to be comfortable and reasonable for any type of travels or escapades. It was a perfect day, and no witch, wizard, or muggle could have denied that fact.

Hermione felt the exact opposite as the day portrayed, and so did her fiancé... were they calling one another that any longer. Neither had spoken yet, and by now both assumed the other was aware of the whole situation. Hermione assuredly wasn't going to reach out, she had done this specifically so she wouldn't, and Severus was beyond furious with her and would refuse to talk wife she to offer anyways. Both partners felt extremely out of sync, yet as they prepared for the day on completely separate sides of the city, they found one-another in their daily routines.

Hermione realized that she spent most of her time corralling Severus into what he should do to keep himself healthy. Then she would sit and do much of nothing if it weren't a work day considering he would ignore her. That day she needed to work, however, and while it passed the time she was rarely greeted when visiting his flat for the evening. Maybe she asked too much, but was a welcome home too much to ask of the man she loved? To take a spare few seconds and spend time with her and inquire into her day? Was it too much?

Severus annoyingly set out to do his day's work, the ever-changing list on his potions room door small for an inquisition. At least there was that for him, and he could easily read something the rest of the day to attempt to evade thoughts of his fiancée. What was he to do with her? That question floated in his mind, Hurt and Anger bouncing it back and forth multiple times before giving it to Sadness to make him nearly retreat back to his room and sulk. While Severus always sulked, it seemed tone extemporary just then.

Neither really knew how to feel about the situation, and it was obvious through the day to those who interacted with them. Hermione went to work and saw many people who looked at her wearily as if she should have just spelled her confusion away. Severus merely had to attend the market in his oddly fancy muggle-attire that he'd bought with Hermione. The markets all had employees that of course rarely minded their own business, and Severus almost left those places even further irritated. So, the patrons who ran into the separated pair were indeed confused at their dispositions.

Hermione, but the end of the day, lacked any intention at all to contact her fiancé and realized how awfully poor of her that sounded. She was bright, everyone knew it, but when it came to her emotions they got stuck and humbled about in her head with little organization. The brunette seemed just fine on the outside, but scenes and scenarios played out in front of her eyes like a film in the cinema repeatedly, breaking her resolve of strength that she'd taken. While her heart knew that she loved and needed Severus... she also knew her slightly inebriated self had reason for erasing her memory.

Severus, however, grew into his discontent and furthered it. He was blowing oxygen on the fire in his mind, eating away at any mending he felt his heart wanted. Of course he loved her, he always had as much as he hardly admitted that fact to her or anyone really. Bar Draco, of course, for he knew the extent of his feelings by the end of the day. After he'd quickly put together a few potions, Severus had made his way to his god-son and began to divulge him in everything.

Whether kept or unkept, the information was well known between the small circle of friends who were warring with themselves in how to best aid the couple. They wanted to intervene, to show them they loved each other like it was so prominent they did, yet the group had no idea in how to go about doing such a thing. Two stubborn lovers was never anything a third party wished to get involved in... especially feuding like they were. While no words had truly been spoken between them, Severus and Hermione were obviously upset with one another and not for any benefit at all.

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