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Your Not Welcomed


I dropped the phone once he said his name.

I didnt know what to do or how to react.

I heard him calling my name from the phone that was still sitting on the floor. I picked my phone up and brought the it back to my ear. I wasnt contorling my body at that point.

Harry: Hello? Taylor? Are you there? Taylor.

Me: Y- y- ye- ye- yes i- im here. What do you want?

Harry: I want to see you. And Ema..."

How did he know about Ema? Fucking LOUIS!!!!

Me: After what you did to us? I dont think so....

Harry: Please let me explain myself. Its hard to over the phone so ill like to see you in person. And Ema too."

Me: I really dont know about that. I dont even know why Im still on the phone with you.

I get ready to end the call.

He called my name out again.


Me: What now!!

Harry: Please Tay. I just need to see you and Ema.. Ill explain the rest in person. Please

Me: Fine. Where and when?

Harry: On Thursday. This week. 23346 Richardson St. Its the hotel im staying at with the boys.. Be there at 1 in the afternoon.

I wrote it down on a piece of paper.

Me: I have to work.

Harry: Then around 10 in the morning tommorrow?

Me: Okay. Harry: Thank you Taylor! I cant wait to see both of you!

Me: Whatever

~ End Call

I for sure wasnt bringing Ema!

Just because hes her biological father, doesnt mean hes her father! I started walking into I living room when I froze in place. It took me a moment to really realize it.

I was about to see my ex

My first love Emas father

The man I once imagine I'd marry.

Harry. Harry Styles.

(Harrrys POV)

I still feel like im in a dream. Finding out ... Taylors okay I have a daughter named Ema Styles! I still cant believe I got to talk to Taylor Keith. My first lov-

''HAZZA! someones hear to see you!" It cant be Taylor. I just got off the phone with her. I walk downstairs and see Morgan hugging all the boys. My face light up.

I walk over to her and give her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. 'hey baby. What are you doing here?'' '' oh you know I had to stop by to see my favorite boy.''


''the paps are crazy! I swear I cannot go anywhere without them stalking me!''

I just laugh. ''Whats so funny?''

''Welcome to our world. Just keep your head down and say quiet. You get used to it after a while.''

I walked into the kitchen to grab some Gatoraid and Morgan followed. Once I finished closing the fridge I was pushed onto the counter by Morgan.

She kissed me. Hard.

I mean it was cool but I usually the one whos aggressive. It just didnt feel normal to me.

She broke the kiss. ''I missed you. Alot.''

''I could see.''

She stood on her tippy toes and whispered something in my ear. ''How about we go somewhere and do something I think will both like?''

She started twirling her fingers around on my belt buckle.

We never had it. I ususally would want too, but I just didnt feel right with her.

I pulled her hands away and whispered in her ear. ''how about we go into the living room and join the boys? Were watching SpongeBob.

I was in love with SpongeBob. I had ever series on DVD.

You can say that was the kid in me.

''But I want to do something else!'' She whinned.


''And I want to watch SpongeBob. We can that something else another time.''

I pulled her into the living room where the boys were focused on SpongeBob. It was quiet. Except from SpongeBob talking. Usually I could focus on SpongeBob. But today? I couldnt for some reason. My mind was stuck on Taylor and Ema. How their doing What they been doing If Taylor has a boyfriend and espeacially if Taylor ever talked about me.

(Taylor POV) ''Mr. Beary. Would you like some more tea?'' I said pointing to the stuffed bear that was sitting next to me

. ''I think he said yes. May I pour it Princess Ema?''

''Yes you may.'' I took the pretend cettle from the middle of the play table and pretended to pour Mr.Bear some tea. I had to act fine for Ema.

I couldnt let her know I was sad, or wanted to burst out in tears.. But I couldnt. I was Emas rock. I couldnt let her see me break. I couldnt break... For her.

''Mama?'' I snapped back when Ema called my name. ''Yes Ema?'' ''My tummy hungy.'' I laughed She looked exactly like her father. Brown curls and everything.. ''Okay M, lets go to the kitchen.''

I picked her up and we walked into the kitchen. I let her sit in her ''chair.'' No one is allowed to sit in it except her. ''What would you like Ema?''

It basically wasnt a choice. I had to go get some more food. But I wasnt getting paid until Friday. And its TUESDAY!!!

''what do we have mama?'' ''We have lucky charms. Would you like that?''

She nooded her head wildly. I made her ceral and gave it to her.The last bit we had. I sat down across from her and remebered I needed Rashon to watch Ema tommorrow.

So I called him. He said okay. And i told him about me having to go too Harry too. He wasnt really fond of me doing that but he accepted I go. I walked back into the kitchen and Ema was almost done eating.

''Ema?'' ''Yes mama?'' ''Rashons going to babysit you again tommorrow.'' I swear I saw Her eyes teared up but I didnt think nothing of it. ''Okay mama.''

She faked a smile and went back to eating her lucky charms.


Last one for today... Proably

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