I'm Here for You

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I have no idea if this even makes sense, or if it's well written. I just started writing and didn't stop. I've had a lot going on right now, and on top of that, I have had major writers block. Then today, I was laying bed with my music playing, and a song spoke out to me. I needed to write something. So, I wrote this one shot that was inspired by the song Lips of an Angel by Hinder.


Sometimes when the universe wants something to happen, it's going to happen no matter what—that was Lucas' exact thought when he saw Riley waiting for him in his bedroom with a big envelope. He gets taken back to freshmen year where they both were afraid their relationship had reached the end when Mrs. Matthews got the job offer in London, and they were both relieved when Mrs. Matthews decided to stay in New York, yet their senior year is here, and Riley is holding the big envelope from Cambridge University—everyone knows what the big envelope means.

The pair talked about what would happen if Riley got accepted when she applied. They were hopeful for the future of their relationship, the way they have always been, but the thousands of miles that would be there to separate them made them a tad bit doubtful.

Lucas and Riley both felt a range of emotions when Riley finally opened the envelope. Her parents pleaded with her to open it with them, but Riley wanted it to be a moment between her and Lucas because she wasn't exactly sure how she was going to react. But, when she opened it, neither one was sure how to react.

Riley was happy she got in, considering she thought it was a long shot, so for her to see her acceptance letter she was more than proud of herself; however, there was the fact that the school was all the way in England, and what did that mean for her and Lucas' relationship. As for Lucas, he was thrilled for Riley and he made sure that she knew that; however, he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel an ache in his chest, and he felt like his world came crashing down.

Riley waited to the last minute possible to decide what school she wanted to go to. Everyone knew what school she wanted to choose, herself included, but she couldn't bring herself to say it out loud. If she did, did that mean she was choosing a school over Lucas or was she choosing herself?

When she finally told everyone what she chose, everyone seemed happy, even Lucas—no matter how much it hurt him.

That summer they made sure to create as many memories as they possibly could together, trying their best to forget what was soon to happen. Each day passed was a memory neither was ever going to forget, but it was also another day closer to Riley leaving.

The night before Riley's departure, Lucas and Riley spent the night together, like every other night. Riley tried her hardest to hide her cries, and Lucas tried his hardest to be strong. They weren't ready to say goodbye to one another, not one single bit. They didn't want this to be the end of their story because there was still so much to tell.

They didn't want to talk about the possibility of the distance being too much. Both of them believed if any two people could overcome the distance, it would be the two of them. They were hopelessly in love, and in no way shape or form were either ready to walk away, so they said everything was going to be okay—because that is what they believed.

Their first year they made it out as a couple. The time change was hard at first, but they manage to figure out times where they were able to talk, even if it was at ridiculous times of the day for either of them. They made sure they spoke every single day. Riley flew home to New York for her winter break, and Lucas was there at the airport waiting for her with open arms, and they had the cliché airport reunion scene. The same thing happened when Riley returned home for summer.

The second year is when things started to get a little rough. Talking to each other almost became impossible. On top of school, Lucas started interning at a veterinarian clinic, and he had gotten a part time job. Riley was interning at a book publication, and her boss was having her work ridiculous hours. She was just happy that it was a paid internship. Life had taken over.

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