Sing with Me

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This idea came to me, and I was excited to write. I hope you all like it, as much as I do.


"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Friar," the DJ announces just as Lucas and Riley enter the ballroom. Applause and cheers fill the room and smiles escape from both of their mouths. The same smiles that have been on their faces all day.

Lucas feels like he is on top of the world and nothing can bring him down. He just married the love of his life. He wasn't sure this day would ever come, not when he stupidly pushed Riley away during their junior year of college. They spent the rest of college apart, and they probably would have spent more years apart if it wasn't for their meddling friends.

Now, just a few months after them rekindling they are married, and Lucas knows this is exactly where he belongs. Lucas turns his head slightly to look at Riley, and all he can see is her. Everything around her disappears and the noise fades away. She looks at him smiling, and he swears his heart stops. He is pulled back to reality when people greet them with congratulations.

Riley and Lucas move around the room talking to friends and family while music fills the room. Lucas steals glances at his beautiful bride as they move around, and the clippity clop of his heart doesn't seem to go away. If this is how he is going to feel for the rest of his life, he is perfectly fine with that.

The two bounce from group to group talking to everyone. They steal kisses from each other, and Lucas can't wipe the smile off his face. The wedding is in full swing. Riley and Lucas cut their wedding cake and smear the icing all over each other's faces and play a couple wedding game. Maya gives a speech with her being the maid of honor, and Farkle and Zay give a speech together since they share the role of best man because Lucas couldn't choose.

The wedding continues with Riley and Cory sharing a father daughter dance, and Lucas shares a dance with his mother; and this is followed by more dancing by everyone. When it comes time for Riley to throw the bouquet into the sea of ladies, Maya pushes her way through the crowd making sure she was the one catching it. This comes solely from Maya's competitive nature.

Lucas throws the garter into the circle of gentlemen, and it lands into Josh's hands. Maya tries to work her way out of the dance she and Josh must share, per Riley's request, but to no prevail. Lucas knowingly smirks at Riley.

"Is this of your doing?" he questions as he looks out on the dance floor, and then returns his gaze back to Riley.

"No, this is the universe's doing. They can't avoid each other forever," she smiles as she looks at Josh and Maya who move in sync.

"And why are they avoiding each other?"

"Just a misunderstanding and lack of communication."

Lucas laughs, "Sounds familiar," he teases referring to himself and Riley. He turns his attention back to the dance floor just as he sees Josh brushing hair out of Maya's face tucking it behind her ear. He can see the blush rush to Maya's cheek from where he is standing. He hears a small squeal come from Riley and refocuses his attention to her.

A wide smile takes over her face. "The universe does know what it's doing," Riley whispers to herself. Lucas hears and gives a light chuckle before placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

"You, Riley Friar, are too adorable," he says just as the song ends.

"I'll be right back. I have to go get details from my peaches." Lucas smiles at her eagerness.

He watches as Riley approaches Josh and Maya, and instantly pulls Maya away to the side to talk. He can see all the excitement she has as he sees her bounce on her balls of her feet.

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