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Aarohi's POV:

"Team Alpha, what is your position?" Karthik says, from his walkie talkie.

"The target is in position", a voice answers.

"And the distance?" Karthik asks.

"Well maintained", comes the reply.

I roll my eyes. For the record, I was against this. If she finds out, she will lose her mind.

I peer through my glasses at the papers I have to read and sign.

"Your highness", I look up from the papers to see Seema, one of the workers, looking at me, her front dripping in chocolate, one of her hands holding a squirt gun, and the other in Danyal's hand.

I sigh. My ten year old son is more trouble than my seventeen year old daughter.

Being a Queen and a mother is not easy.

"Karthik", I call my husband, and he holds up a finger as he says in the walkie talkie, "Has the target changed his position?"

"No sir", comes the reply. "The target hasn't moved at all."

"Good", he says and then looks at me.

I point my pen towards our son, who is looking at Karthik with mischievous eyes and a bit of a grin on his face.

"What did I tell you was gonna happen if you buy him a squirt gun?" I glare at Karthik pointedly.

He comes towards me, kisses me on the cheek, and I blush furiously.

He then walks towards Danyal.

"Not cool, buddy", he says, but I roll my eyes again, knowing that Karthik is dying to know how Danyal did it. "Apologise to Seema aunty."

"Sorry, Seema aunty", Danyal murmurs, his voice very innocent.

Seema rolls her eyes and looks at me. I tell her I'll take care of Danyal. She then bows and leaves.

"How did you do it?" Karthik asks Danyal who grins widely and says, "I just melted chocolate and put it in the gun, DC. See? No big deal."

Danyal calls Karthik DC: short for Daddy Cool. I agree, Karthik is a lot cooler than I am when it comes to these things.

But definitely not when it comes to his daughter.

"It is a big deal", I say sternly. "You are not supposed to squirt other people with chocolate, Danyal."

"Sir!" A voice comes from the walkie talkie. "Princess has discovered that she was being tracked. Our cover is blown."

Karthik curses loudly.

"Karthik!" I admonish him, and groan. I'm sure Danyal is going to pick up on that particular swear word pretty soon.

Even after so many years, Karthik still has no filter on his mouth.

It's like I have three kids at home.

"I told you that would happen", I say. "Zaara is not stupid. And she is going to be very furious."

"You know how paranoid I get when it comes to Zaara and boys", he reasons. "I will try to make her see my point."

"Well, you better prepare a good defence, because she will come through that door any minute", I say, as I pick up the pen to sign on one of the documents. The partnership seems pretty profitable.

I feel something pulling my sleeve. I look towards my left to see Danyal looking at me. I chuckle and pick him up in my arms. I put my papers aside and place him on the table.

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