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Made this collage for a better visual :)

You enter the arcade and started feeling overwhelmed. You started thinking about the arcade in the mansion your dad had made for you since he never had time take you to a real one.

"Are you crying?" Jungkook came up next to you looking at you in somewhat worry. "What? No I'm just excited to beat you!" Suddenly the feeling you had goes away. Without noticing you grab onto Jungkook wrist.

He looked surprised but he didn't look liked he minded. "What should we do?" You ask turn back around to look at him. "Helloo, Is anyone there," you wave your hand in front of Jungkook.

"Huh-Oh Let see what game shall I beat you first," He said dragging you along side him.  Cute like a little kid, Why can't I see this Jungkook all the time?

"Table hockey" he muttered before bringing you to the table hockey. "Um Jungkook I can't go play if your holding onto my hand," You said realizing that some how manage to hold on to you're hand while walking.

"Oh right," he let go quickly before you going to his side of the table getting ready. "Your on" You said to him raising a eyebrow.

"Don't underestimate me," you said giving him a glare along with a smirk. "Bowling," he said as he starts walking towards you making you backup to the hockey table.

"Why are you-" You replied has he put his hands on the each side of the table. "Because you bother me" He said your nose almost touching. Isn't that from Nicholas Sparks? "Because I'm going to win."

   You looked to your sides and there was three kids scared at how close he was to you.  "Oh it's okay Daddy is only playing with mommy," Jungkook said with a smile. Wth? There like 5 years old. "Yah Hajima!" You let out quietly shouting to him moving him away.

  Wow 3 strikes in a row and we just started a new game. "Why I'm I so bad at this!?" You pout in frustration. "Your not strong enough I am though baby," he muttered down at you before putting his fingers in the bowling ball.

Ew baby really? He missed one this time but manage to knock it down easily in the second try. "Your turn" he whispered in your ear before walking passed you to take a seat.

You inhale in and out "I got this," you whispered to the ball. Strike!! "Yes!" You jump up and down a few times before sitting next to Jungkook. Rare for you to do in public but you didn't know what took over you.

"Do you always do that?" He ask looking at you carefully he had a "something I wanted to say" face on. "The strike? I mean sometimes I just let my smartness and power take over me," you playfully bragged.

"Not bowling you suck, I'm talking about the jumping up and down thing" he said looking at you in your eyes. "Why-y you ask" You said getting nervous by the sudden change in mood.

"Never mind" he said before getting up to grab his bowling ball. When his phone started to ring he was hesitating to pick it up but ended given in. "Hey-What why?---Yeah sure-yeah bye" he replied no emotion what so ever in his voice.

You wonder who he was talking too. Should I ask? You thought to yourself. "Next game let's see what I can beat you to next," He said with a thinking face.
  "Ya! You got to pick last time," You hit him slightly in the shoulder.  "Let's box," You said with a bright smile. "Your creeping me out but let's go," he said grabbing your hand. 

You look down but didn't say anything. "You go first," you said letting go of his hand. He inserted a coin and started punching like crazy.

New record

You looked shocked but shrugged it off. "Watch" you said before starting. 

New record

"By one point," he scuffed crossing his arms "Doesn't mean anything Y/N," He said walking in front of you.

What a little baby.

"Baby" you muttered to yourself "All yours," he said looking back with a smirk. It was almost 9:30pm Jungkook was driving you home.

You didn't really say much the whole ride but all you knew is you spent such a fun and wonderful time with him. Could it mean something more to him? You thought your thoughts drifted as you feel asleep.

"No I don't think she's lying about it..Aishh I told you I-I don't remember-" You hear Jungkook talking on the phone as you start waking up he still yet to know.

"Im willing to take a DNA test," he said both of his hands where tight on the wheel. DNA test? For what?

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