Chapter 11

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Angela POV

Knock knock knock

Roman grumble under his breath and sat up glaring at the door.

"What?!" He snap at whoever beside it and I pat his arm lightly making him look at me.

"Be nice Roman." I said sitting up and he glare at the door again.

"Get in here before I open the fucking door for you." He said it and I shake my head at him as Sebastian step in the room.

"I didn't yell." He told me and I just huff.

"Sir, Miss Angela's room is ready." Sebastian said making me look at him.

"My room?" I asked and Roman look at him with a death stare but Sebastian face was calm and collected.

"Angel, I've got something to tell you." Roman said to me and Sebastian walk out and shutting the door.

I look at him and he look to be on a conflict to tell me, he pull my body to his lap and hold my hand.

"You staying here with me." He told me and I look at him confuse.

"I am here aren't I?"

"What I mean is Angel, you gonna live here with me from now on."

I was shock and jump off his lap quickly. He try to hold me but I push his hands away.

"What? Why should I live with you? We only just met too."

"Your going to live with me Angel. I'm not taking a no for an answer." He told me and his eyes daring me to defy him before continuing.

"And it's because I don't want you to be far from me. Something could happened to you if I not around, I'm not gonna let you out there all alone."

"You can't just tell me what to do. I won't just live here with you just because you said so. That's my choice to choose. And nothing gonna happened to me, I still standing aren't I?" I told him and he stand from the bed towering me.

I glare into those dark eyes and he just looks at me calmly.

"You will do as I say Angel." He said and seem to be controlling his voice.

I back away and point at him.

"What make you think I gonna live with you? Sure I like you but this is happening too fast."

His jaw clench and I can tell something snap in him.

"The fast the better. I've been going crazy since I met you, this room was destroyed by my raging self. You see those marks on the wall? Those are me punching my anger out." He points to the wall behind me and I turn around wide eyes before my jaw drop a little.

How have I not notice that before?

You can clearly see the punch marks on them and the wall looks to be crack by the impact. There's a bit of dark tint on each of them and I know what it is just by looking at it.

"D-Did your hands got hurt?" I ask him and suddenly he round his arm around me and show his bruises knuckle.

"Beautiful isn't it? I even mess up my office because I was mad." He said and hug me tightly while I just stand there like a statue.

"And all of this happened yesterday, after I met you Angel. Imagine if I didn't told Lorenzo and Stefen to bring you here. I think more chaotic things might happened." He told me and kiss my neck slowly.

As he kiss my neck, I don't feel like nearing him. I try wiggle my body out of his arms but he only tighten more and inhale.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He whisper in my ears and kiss it making my whole body froze.

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