The End... Is Just the Beginning

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Hello! My first story! Hope you guys will enjoy this. Constructive Criticism appreciated. Also, I made Hawkmoth more powerful.

Disclaimer: This is the only disclaimer I will post, as it covers all chapters. I do not own Miraculous Ladybug! 



"Entity Speech"

Voice quivering, tears welling up in my eyes, cuts all over my body, I stared at the fallen bodies of my friends, Marinette and Adrien. After all this time... I have been fighting with them? My best friends from school? They were the other two parts of our superhero quartet. Ladybug and Chat Noir. Grey Wolf stood next to me, the same expression on his face. How had everything gone wrong? We were working seamlessly, and I was about to grab Hawkmoth's miraculous when he removed his own transformation. Hawkmoth was Gabriel Agreste. Chat had fallen back, and Ladybug had followed him, comforting him. That was where everything had gone wrong. 

Hawkmoth had murdered the two of them in cold blood, not caring if he killed his son. Now, he turned to us, and I could feel the anger born from grief, my river blue eyes hardening. Grey Wolf had turned to me, and whispered his identity in my ear, before pressing his lips on mine and turning back to the battle. I braced myself for the fight, even if it mean I died. I could not let my friend's death be in vain. We shared a glance and with anger and frustration fuelling over resolve, we attacked. My titanium wings fluttered, lifting me off the ground, as I shot arrow after arrow at him. Grey Wolf attacked him with his whip. It was sad knowing how little we can do, fighting with everything we had left.

Grey Wolf's anguish cry disturbed me for a precious moment, enough to let Hawkmoth zapped me back with a purple fire. As I fell, pain spreading through my body like wildfire, I watch as Hawkmoth stood over Grey Wolf, a delighted smirk on his face as he hit Grey Wolf, in the face, with a purple ray, one that had killed both Chat and Ladybug. As my vision went dark, I raged. I raged at the unfairness of it all. Things should have been different! Deep down, I regretted it. I could have changed it! My vision went black, as I reached out my hand with the last energy I have and touched Grey Wolf's, Tobias' hand. 

~~~Mari&Adrien and Nyxie&Tobias~~~

I woke up a few minutes later. Wait, woke up? Shouldn't I be dead already? I was pretty sure Hawkmoth killed me.

My eyes flashed open as I stared around the room, before looking at myself. If I wasn't sure I was dead already, I was pretty sure I was back in my old room. I was lying on my soft bed, with pale blue bedsheets, and wearing a turquoise hoodie and jeans. My miraculous!!  Looking at my wrist, I was not surprised to see my miraculous gone. After all, I was in my old room.

A sweet, melodious voice rang throughout the room. "Nyxie Fae Fawley. Also known as Songbird." I turned around, and in the hallway, stood a young lady around her mid-twenties, but her chocolate brown eyes peering through her steel-rimmed glasses held the wisdom of a thousand ages. Her fiery auburn was tied up in a messy bun, with a pencil holding it up. She held a clipboard, tapping a pen against it. A warm smile curved on her face, as she smoothed down the wrinkles of her pencil skirt. 

Gaping at her, I whispered, very softly, "You're... Destiny, aren't you. One of the seven gods who created the miraculous." It was not a question, but rather a very blunt statement.

The woman nodded her head, before gesturing me to follow her. Walking towards her, I stepped outside, expecting to see the hallway, but saw a vibrant forest, with forest green grass. Remembering how hungry I was, I was tempted to eat the grass then and there, but followed Destiny to the silver gazebo in the middle. There were a table and two chairs, opposite each other. Destiny sat on one, while I sat on the other. Smiling at me, she raised her hand, stopping the onslaught of questions that was sure to come out of my mouth. 

"I know this may be confusing, but let me say this. You're dead," she commented bluntly, almost casual in a way. Thoughts began running through my head. If I am dead, how am I conscious? 

Destiny raised her hand, before continuing. "I know this is confusing. Let me explain. Normally, when a being dies, they will go to Death, one of my brothers. He will judge them based on their life. If they did something really bad, like murder someone, they will be sent to Purgatory, where they will face torture for a time equivalent to their sins. If they lived fairly, they will be sent to what you humans call heaven. However, in heaven, live my sister, Life. She gives you a place to rest, and when your ready, you can approach her and request for a reincarnation. If she agrees, Life will wipe your memory and send you back to earth to live as another person."

I raised my eyebrows. If we were supposed to go to Death, why am I here?

"Now, you must be wondering. Why are you here?" Her chocolate eyes peering into my blue ones. "Simple, really. Your life, Mrs Dupain-Cheng, Mr Agreste, and Mr River lives didn't go according to destiny. I'm here to give you a second chance." 

Surprised, I blurted out, "Why me? Why not Mari, Adri or Tobias? And how?"

Destiny raised an eyebrow before nodding, "You because you have an influence over all three of their lives. Adrien as a childhood friend, Marinette as a best friend, and Tobias as a crush and a soulmate." Ignoring my gaping face, she continued. "How. Well, I'm sure my brother Chaos here can explain that to you. So basically, we will be sending back the person with the most potential to help you four. You."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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