3. Grant Griffin.

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"Grant Griffin." Harry let the name roll in his mouth. "Griffin."

"Yup." Grant replied, he looked slightly mortified by the fact Harry kept repeating his name.

"A lawyer."

"I went to Harvard."

"I'm aware." Harry replied. He was looking through a file. "We've met before."

"Oh yes, I remember. It was a murder trial wasn't it? You ruined the reputation of my client, she wanted compensation."

"She got what she wanted." Harry replied.

"That all about me?" Grant gestured to the file.

"You're a lawyer, you tell me."

"I can read, I don't have to be a lawyer to know that."

"You're exactly how they describe." Harry said. He studied Grant's face as he formed a smirk.

"Dashing, handsome, sarcastic, and brilliant at his job?"

"Cocky, a know it all, and an ass."

"Aren't they the same? And didn't I show that off the time we met?"

"No, you were very serious then."

"How times have changed... Also it depends on the judge we have."

"You were disbarred." 

"Something I've regretted ever since."

"What'd you do?"

Grant leaned in across the table and whispered:

"I slept with the judge."

"Tell me the truth."

"I honestly don't know. I was told I wasn't allowed to represent any more clients. Apparently I'd buried evidence on a case."

"And you didn't?"

"I did not. I wasn't even representing the client on this specific case."

"Who was it?"

"An associate and a junior partner."

"And what were you?"

"A senior partner."

"So you were a good lawyer."

"You have that proof, and you've witnessed my skills."

"Who'd you piss off?" Harry asked.

"No one."

"Who'd you piss off?" Harry asked again.

"I don't know. All I heard from my assistant was that a man with the initials WJ was behind this."

"William Janoski?" 

"Could be."

"You used to work for his dad."

"Fred Janoski was a corrupt man, who made people do what he wanted. I did work for him, only on cases I chose."

"Right, you have a rule don't you."


"Tell me."

"I don't pick cases I can't win."

"That's a little bit petty."

"No, its not. I don't pick those cases because I know I won't win, which means I won't get what the client wants. Then I have to deal with that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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