"Come on everyone. Let's play a game!" Taylor said excitedly.
"Well, what game?" I hesitantly asked. Knowing Taylor and the amount of time she's on the internet looking at weird stuff, I knew this game had to be freaky.
"Come on, it will be fun!" Taylor kept persisting.
"Is it a scary game?" Amber timidly asked. Amber is always scared of everything. It's hard to watch anything on TV with her without her freaking out.
"If it's scary then no way." Sarah proclaimed. Like Amber, Sarah wasn't a brave girl and wouldn't get excited about anything terrifying.
"Well, let's just here her out before we say no" I said. I secretly find scary things fasinating so I kind of wanted to here what Taylor was going to say.
"Here's how you play." Taylor flipped her long blonde curls behind her back. "Each of us must say our deepest, darkest fear. Whoever has the worst fear must face it tonight. No matter what."
Amber and Sarah both went wide eyed. I didn't want to admit it, but I really wanted to play this game.
Trying to find a way out of it, Sarah yelled, "B-but what if you're afraid of getting stabbed? I don't think any of us wants to stab someone with that fear." I looked down at Sarah's hands. She tried to fold them and put them in her lap, but I could see her fingers wildly shaking.
"Well then, don't be afraid of getting stabbed." Taylor shot Sarah a devilish grin which made Sarah shoot her head down and start to play with the hem of her shirt. "So is everyone in or not?" Taylor impatiently said.
Amber caustiously shook her head yes. I excitedly shook my head yes because I really wanted to play. Sarah, however was a little hard to persuade. But, after telling her that nothing bad is going to happen, she finally gave in.
"Okay. So who wants to start?" Taylor said.
Authors note!!
Well, if you're reading this... THANKS!!! This is my first story so I'll try and make it really good! So please don't forget to vote and comment!