Why me?

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"Why me? I always get bullied around cause I'm the one freaky kid says everyone." I said " See? Who could ever love a freaky kid? I'm different from them and they are different from me."

I looked up at the stars still sitting on the ground waiting just waiting. Just no..

I got up from my spot and headed inside the pizza parlor and sat right beside the guy.

Few minutes later, A couple of people came outside the door and went directly to our table.

"Sorry!! I'm late!! We got caught up in traffic!!" Said the two

"Now can you guys explain who you two are?" I said crossing my arms.

"Well!! I'm Lily and that's Blaze and over there is Mac or should I say Megamac." Said Lily

"Hi." Said Mac

"Ok? Finally I know your name." I said

"Let's start eating shall we?" Said blaze

After we ate, I got up from my seat and headed out the door? could anything get worse? Than all of a sudden rain was starting to pour. I looked around and around and watched as i was soaking wet and headed home.

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