devils vs angles

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It was a sunday night and I was getting ready for school. After I set out my cloths I hopped in the shower and washed up. after I was cleaned up I layed down and fell asleep. I ran downstairs and ate breakfast almost forgetting about my pesky older sister. We both ran for the bus and she said the meanest thing to me "good luck brat" I stick my tounge out at her and ran to sit with my last year friends. We were all were very nervous and I could tell. We started talking about how luke and micheal and calob and ashton went to this school. I really wasent paying attention that much all I had in my head is that luke hemmings go to this school. He probaly will never relize me but hey never say never right? When we arived at school, the very frist thing I saw was him but, he had a gf... yea I was depresed but aww well. His girlfriend talked to me later that day. Believe it or not but she was in first gade with me. We were like sisters. I ran into skyler later that day. She treated me like I was a queen or somthing. We both went into the girls bathroom and she gave me a red lace dress and some red vans. She changed into her cheerleading out fit and we went out. Almost everybody was staring but most of all luke was. I tryed to keep cool and walked to our fist class. After a while I was heading to my 4th period and skyler told me to look out for the girl who dates luke. I just shrugged it off and we went to my 4th period. At lunch we were talking about guys."so who do you like sky?" I said with a evil grin on my face. "Uhh ashton"skyler said watching him with luke. Then out of no where lukes gf pores spaghetti sauce all over me. I ran crying to the bathroom. And skyler and luke ran after me. Skyler gave me some clean cloths to wear

But I was very embaresd ashton came in here to see what happend but he was speechless him and skyler ran out of the bathroom, holding hands. I came out and sat next to luke. His head was in his lap. "Im really sorry"luke said in a kind of mumbling voice. "I dont really care"I said trying not to sound to sad that it happend

Before I knew it luke took my hand and kissed me. "I...I..." I said trying to figure out what just happend. "I liked you before I met her" luke said pulling me in for another kiss.This was really long actully bcause his gf walkedin on us. "Im dumping you" luke said, still holding my hand. "Umm for this freak? Haha very funny now common I want to go kiss in frount of everyone"sarah said grabbing his hand. Luke jerked back and kisses me again. But this time to tell his gf they were done. She ran out of here like a bull. We both came out and we were holding hands! Ashton and skyler were making out behind the vending machine as luke walked me a to my next period. Later that day I was at my locker in my last period and skyler came up to me and gave me a black , reddish bow. Before we both could go back in luke stops me and askes for skyler to go In The class . He grabbed me and pulled me out of class to go to his own band room. "Dont we need a pass?" I said stareing at the door."nope I bought this I can only bring a friend though"he said opening his gutar case. He played me a song that I totaly fell in love with. Later we chased each other around the room. I fell over a chair. And just laughed. "Im super clumbsy"I said laughing "at least you dont lie like my x did" he said joining in. We both just stopped and stared at each other. And then he pulled me close to him. and set me on his lap. "do you live alone".luke said smiling."no I live with my mom and my sister"I said in a bummbed out way."its ok you can come to my house"luke said kissing my cheek. The bell rang and me and luke ran for our busses before I could get on. he kissed me. I waved good by. everyone just stared at me and clapped. I sat down by my friends and they were acting like I won yhe lottery or something..."omg I cant beleve this!!" trinity said smiling at me."we are just friends"I said blushing. "sure you are!" skyler said texting ashton.Once I got home I quickly ran to my bed and just screamed in my pillow.then I remberd I had to go to lukes house. I got ready and put on something nice but not too dressy. once I got there I walked in while luke was laying on the bed. He pat beside him so I would come and lay down with him.He turned to me and pulled me close to him. he kissed me gently and I could tell he wanted it. I unbuttend his shirt. and he kissed me a little bit more. One thing led to anither we both were naked.I dug my nails into the bed sheet as he slid himself into me. I moaned and so did he as I wrapped my legs around him.  it hurt bad but it also felt really good having him inside of me. He grabbed me and set me on top of him. He went faster. the more he moaned the more good it felt. I leaned down to kiss him while still humping his body."uhnnn..."luke said kissing me more. we both settled down and I layed next to him. he kissed me for a very long yume but I enjoyed it. The next morning. I was asleep with luke. he gave me pancakes and kissed me good morning. "dont worry your mom brought over some cloths for school today." luke said getting the syrup. "you wernt nude were you!"I said sitting up in shock. "no but I was shirtless"he said kissing my head. I dindnt care about that. luke and I went to school later that day. And get this his gf was planning another thing. I didnt feel that woried because luke was dateing me. (lukes Pov.) my x came up to me crying today. I thought she was just fakeing it but I think it was skyler. "mariah did this!" sarah said walking up to me." please you have a cat and mariah dosent have long nails!" I said getting mad at her. "she pushed me into a trash can and said I wouldnt get you again" sarah said forcing herself  to kiss me. (mariahs Pov) I walked over to the hangout me and luke go to everyday and he was kissing sarah!!! I ran out crying. Miceal ran after me and into the band room. "whats wrong hun?"micheal said sitting next to me."luke!!!"I said crying. he hugged me and I never acctully liked Michael till now. "im sorry about that hey if you want you can hang with calob and me"he said kissing my head. I nodded my head and followed him. Micheal grabbed my hand and held it. we passed luke and before he could say anything he saw me and Michael holding hands. Skyler ran over to see what happend because she saw me holding hands with Michael too. "omg what happend with luke?"skuler said hugging ashton. "he dumped her because he was kissing sarah"Michael said still holding my hand. I just wanted to cry again talking about it. Micheal had lunch with me so  I sat next to him with skyler. luke walkes over to talk to me but I just ignore him."get away luke your chances are over"micheal said grabbing my hand. luke walked away. I felt bad for him. "micheal I have to talk him" I said standing up. "ok but if he hurts you tell me" micheal said taking a bite of his cookie. I walked over to luke and his girfriend pushed me oyt the way and kissed him. exactly how she did at the bigging of the year.before I could walk away luke pushed her off. "get off of me ok I dont like you!" luke said wiping his lips. "common baby everyones watching..." sarah said going for another kiss.luke pushed her again."we are over!!!"luke said walking away. I ran aftet him and before I could completely fall luke caught me."how are you clumbsy?"luke said laughing."other than falling? im fine" I said standing back up. "look she was forcing herself on me..." I leaned over and kissed him. The end ......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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