Entry 1

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"This journal is the property of 'David Blythe' if lost please return or call this number (7!6) 2$&-&£¥#"

Oct 5th, 2015

I'm sorry if I make some mistakes but I'm just nervous right now...my names David...David Blythe, I'm 14, attending high school, and...whatever let's shut up about me and just get to what happened....

Okay I've just got done having a panic attack, I ran faster then I ever thought was possible for a human being, okay let me write what happened...okay where to start? I was walking home from school, like I normally do, then I blacked out and ended up here, i still had my backpack and thankfully my journal.

I had somehow ended up in a wooded area, it wasn't dark at the time but it got dark quickly, obviously I had no clue what was going on, and I was scared out of my mind so I called out for anyone, no answer, I did this a few more times until finally I got a response, I was too relieved to hear a voice to have a clue what they were saying, I saw flashlights and and I was so releaved...at the time.

They sounded like teenagers and I could tell they were due to their hight, I started to approach them and they ended up seeing me, pointing their flashlight straight at me, at the time I didn't know what they were panicking about, now I know why.

it was too dark to see them, but they could see me, and by the way the revolted and started backing away, there was only one explanation I could think of, there was something terribly wrong with me, I felt fine, I couldn't feel anything on my face or body that would indicate something wrong, but now I know it was technically the other way around.

They spoke a different language, much odder then mine, it was certainly no English...or Spanish, or anything I had ever heard in my life before, it was only when I grabbed one of the flashlights they dropped and pointed it at them when I saw, it was something you could only find in a dream, or nightmare, or whatever you wanna call it, they were humanoid for sure, but....they were, animals....wolves to be more specific.

They wore hoodies and jackets like humans, heck they even styled the fur on top of their heads like humans with hair, I didn't really think about it at the moment, but....they remind me of a trend found on the internet, a certain group of people that dress up like anthropomorphic animals called, simply, "Furries" think about that, yeah it may be cute online but when an actual animal walks up to you like a human, it's absolutely terrifying, but it turns out they were just as terrified of me also, I do remember one having a camera, which now that I think about it, this place may have a version of the internet similar to us humans, and if so, this entire world would probably know about me...

Okay I need to calm down, I'll write in my journal often, or at least try, I'm just shaken up, I don't know how I got here but I just need to calm down....

Okay.... Now that I have that out of my way, I should get moving, go somewhere secluded, if they know I'm out here then there's no doubt they'll tell others about me....

This is David Blythe, and I'm out.

David's journal-in the anthro usiverseWhere stories live. Discover now