C H A P T E R 10: Logan.

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December 17th, 2011

8:15 p.m.

"Now," I began. "why in the hell would I tell you about Jamal's party?" I questioned. "You just got me in trouble, and now you want a favor?" I asked again. "Get the fuck outta' here, man."

"I'm sorry, Logan." she apologized. "Please," she begged. "Just tell me," Lola said. I watched as she gave me big puppy dog eyes.

   I grinned at her. "No," I replied. "Now, go ask Layla," I told her rudely as I flopped back onto my bed.

"Please!" she begged once more. "I would do it for you." she lied.

   With a blank expression on my face, I sighed and then looked at her. "No you wouldn't have, so stop lying." I told her. "Now, get out my room, girl," I demanded.

   Lola smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. "Are you not telling me because of what happened earlier?" she questioned. She was referring back to the little incident that happened earlier downstairs between her and me. I leaned up halfway and cracked a smile, and shook my head yes at her. Lola rolled her eyes. "You so damn petty." she insulted.

    I laughed. "Yeah, I'll be just that." I said as I shrugged my shoulders and then sat up straight. "I'm tired of yo' ass always thinkin' you can be grimy toward me one minute, but then when you need something, you the perfect sister to me," I complained. "That shit, dead girl," I told her. "For now on, I'ma start doin' you how you do me, which is bogus."

   Lola smacked her lips. "I can't stand you, dude."

"Yeah, well bust a move then partna'," I said as she turned on her heels and began to head for the door.

    I watched as she headed out the door. Before she slammed it shut, I heard my name being called from downstairs. Lola reopened the door. "Layla's calling you boy," she blurted as she ignorantly closed it again.

   I stared at the door for a second, rolled my eyes, and then focused my attention back on the ceiling. Minutes later, there was a knock on my door. "What!" I yelled, irritation clear in my voice.

   A second later, the door open and Layla stood in the entrance. "You ain't here me callin' you?" she asked. When I didn't respond, she rolled her eyes and tossed the phone at me. "There," she said. "Next time I'ma hang up on them since you can't come get it." with that, she left out the room and slammed the door.

Between her and Lola, I don't know who has the worst attitude, I thought to myself. I then picked up the phone and put it to my ear. "Hello?" I greeted.

"Hey," she responded back. I froze up for a second and went silent. Her voice sent chills down my spine. "Hello?" she questioned again once I didn't say anything.

    Snapping out of my daze, I finally responded. "Wassup?" I replied dryly.

"Oh, nothing much," she answered. "How about you?" she casually asked.

"Same," I dryly answered. After that, the conversation went dead. The silence on the phone was thick, and it was beginning to get annoying. I sighed, not because I was bored but because I hate talking on the phone, and the fact that shorty on the phone was a person I could care less speaking too, coupled with the silence was making me annoyed. The longer we sat on the phone, the more I wanted to curse this bitch out. She knows sitting on the phone quietly is a pet peeve for me, I thought as I blew my breath. "Jordan?" I asked.

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