C H A P T E R 27: Lola

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January 24th, 2014

6:30 a.m.



                                                       *Two Weeks Later*



“Come on Lola,” my mother rushed. “I’m already late for work!” Why did I have to wake up this morning? I mumbled as I tied my hair into a ponytail. “Lola let’s go!” she yelled again.

“I’m comin’ mama!” I yelled.

“Chile’ don’t make me come up them stairs!” she threatened. “What the hell are you doin’?” she questioned.

“I’m grabbing my bag,” I lied. I moved away from the mirror and went over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I turned around and grabbed my coat and bookbag that rested on my bed, and headed downstairs.

“Lola!” she yelled again. I huffed as I headed for the door. I shut the light off and exited. I headed downstairs and when I reached the landing I saw her standing there with one hand propped on the banister and one foot on the step. Kodeniˊ stood up straight, and then moved away from the stairs. “What’s taking you so long?” she questioned. “I have to be at work by eight, let’s go.” she told me. Kodeniˊ grabbed her purse and threw it over her shoulder.

      With an evident attitude I told her, “I’m movin’ as fast as I can.”

“Well move a li’l faster.” she demanded.

“Whatever,” I mumbled.

“Don’t get an attitude with me,” she warned. “You brought this on yourself.”

“I know,” I answered dryly.

    As Kodeniˊ reached for the door she shook her head. The door opened and she stepped aside. I walked pass and led the way to her Jeep. When I heard the locks, I opened the door and hopped inside. I reached for the door and slammed it shut. “Stop slamming the door!” she yelled as the door opened. “This car already fucked up enough.” she complained. The car started and seconds later she pulled away from the curb. I listened as my mother ranted and complained about how awful my behavior at school was. Ten minutes later we pulled up to the building. My mother parked the car and I got out with quickness. “I don’t know why you getting’ out so fast,” she complained. “I still gotta’ go in with you.” I didn’t say anything as we walked up to the front doors. I waited till they buzzed us in, and I opened the door. I stepped inside and held the door open for my mother. We walked up to the front desk and the lady asked for Identification. She handed them her I.d. and they looked from her to me with questioning eyes. Answering her unasked questioned she snapped, “Yes I’m her mother.”

    The old black lady had a perplex expression her face. “You can go head down to student services.” she told us.

    My mother didn’t say another word as she moved away from the front desk and trailed me down to student services. Two minutes later we reached student services door, my mother opened and stepped aside so that I could enter. I took a seat in one of the blue chairs as my mother headed for the aid’s desk in the office. “I’m here to see Mr. Kendall, the assistant principle.” My mother announced.

“Um,” the lady began. “Mrs. King?” she asked.

“Yes.” she answered.

“Okay take a seat he’ll be right with you.” she told us.

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