I'm a .....

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A month later...
Mal's POV
Today we had to have a press conference about how I grew up. Since everyone knows how I was treated, they want us to speak and put the message out there. Those of us who grew up on the isle were going to speak. But Ben, Belle and Adam were also going to speak. It's being taken place in LA and broadcasting over the world. I was ready to go, but I'm kinda nervous... I was wearing a light green dress with a light design with my beige heels. I dyed the tips of my hair purple.

 I dyed the tips of my hair purple

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"Are you ready?" Ben asked. I nodded. "Everything's gonna be ok. Don't worry" he said and took my hand and kissed it. "I love your hair" he whispered. I laughed "I know its like the 100th time you say it this week" I replied. We went downstairs and met up with the others. "Ready to go?" Harry asked. I nodded. Jane,Audrey, Doug,Lonnie,Chad and FG were staying at the castle. We appeared in LA. It was time for us to go on. There was a little stage set up with chairs and we each had a mic and the press will ask us questions. We walked on stage. Everyone clapped. We started answering questions.
1 hour later....
My dad showed up out of nowhere. "D-dad?" I asked. "My baby girl" he said and he was coming to give me a hug but Ben stepped in front of me. "Don't you dare touch her" he said. "And what are you supposed to be? Her body guard?" He snickered. "I'm her husband. And after everything I've heard about you I am not letting you touch my wife" Ben replied. "Mal talk to me" my father said. I ignored him. "Harry? What are you doing here?" He asked. "I turned good. Just so you know, because of you I spend every single day of my life regretting what I did to Mal. You commanded me to do it and I feel horrible every single day. I love Mal to death so don't you dare touch her. You don't deserve her" Harry said stepping forward. "Can't I just talk with my daughter alone for like 2 minutes?!" He asked. "I am not your daughter. Every day I wish to not be called your daughter. But I'm stuck with it. You are definitely not my father. A father isn't supposed to hire someone to rape their child. A father isn't supposed to beat up their child.  And a father is definitely not supposed to abandon their child when they were 5 years old. You left me with mom! Do you know how bad that is! Especially with mom! At that time I was happy with you. Then you left me. Then you suddenly came back and changed completely! I was raped 3 times a week because of you. You are not my father. You wanna know who my father is?" I said and walked up to Adam. "He is my father. He has taught me so much. He cares for me. He has treated me like his daughter even when I'm not" I said and walked back to him. "You are lucky mom isn't here right now because she would whoop your ass so hard you'd actually be dead for real.  Now get out" I said. "But Mal—" he pleaded. "I am ordering you to get out! I never want to see you again. Now get out!" I yelled. "Mal, I—" "Do you want me to call mom?" I asked. "Listen to the Queen and get out" Jay said. "Once you mess with her. You mess with all of us" Evie said and all of my friends came behind me. "Mal is loved here. You lost your chance to love her. Its over. Now listen to her" Ben said. "I–I'm sorry. I truly mean it" he told me. "No you don't. I've spent my whole life with my dad torturing me. So don't give me some bull shit crap like that saying you mean it. We all know you don't mean it. This is the last time I say it before I call mom. GET OUT!!" I yelled. "M—" "fine. That's it I'm calling mom" I said and took my phone out. She answered. "Guess who's here — dad. Now please come" I said and hung up. She appeared out of nowhere. "I told you already. You could've left and never bothered me again but nope you just had to stay. I told you I would call mom" I told my father. "What are you even doing here?" My mother asked him. "I came to see our sweet little girl. I haven't seen her in so lon—" I cut him off. "Yeah you haven't. I'm married and I have 3 children! And a fourth one coming in a couple of months. You missed out on my whole entire life!! You weren't even there to walk me down the aisle!" I yelled. "After everything you've done to us you decide to come back?" My mother asked. "You hired my daughter's best friend to rape her. You are sick in the head" she yelled. "Oh so now we're going to act like our conversation never even existed?! Fine then you tell her. Because since I'm sick in the head I can't tell her!" he yelled back. "Tell me what?" I asked. "Are you sure its time?" Adam asked. "No not now" Ben mumbled. "You know about this?" I asked him. "I found out last month... When you were still drunk" he said. "What is it? I want to know now" I said. "Call the others" Belle told Adam. "We need to wait for the others to come" Belle said. "But what is it about?" I asked. "Its about all of you that are here" my mother said. Everyone that was at home appeared. "No no no they aren't ready" Audrey said. "You all know about this?" Jay asked. "Tell us now!" I said raising my voice. "Y–you aren't actually a villain's kid... None of you are" Adam said. "What?" I asked. "When I was king I out a rule down. The other kings and queens of the town so like Aurora, Cinderella, Snow White, them when they had a baby their first born would go to the isle of the lost. The villains were annoyed because they had no children on the isle. So I put the law in but I took it out right before Ben was going to be King because I knew what idea he had and it was going to be a huge mess" he said. We were shocked. "Who's my parents?" Jay asked breaking the silence. "Jasmine and Aladdin...." Belle said. "Who are mine?" Carlos asked. "Snow White" Adam replied. "Who are mine?" Uma and Freddie asked at the same time. "Well you two are actually sisters and your parents are Pocahontas...." Adam said. "Who are mine? Evie asked. "You're looking at em' "Belle said and smiled weakly. "Wait so Ben is my brother?" Evie asked. They nodded. "Ew! I had freaking sex with him that time the love potion exploded! Oh my gosh" she said angry. Everyone looked at me and Harry. "Don't tell me we're brother and sister" I pleaded. Maleficent nodded. I placed my hands over my mouth. "Do you want to know how many times I had sex with him?! Either I was drugged it forced or rapped! I had sex with my brother! I can't believe you would keep this from us!!!" I cried. "Who are our parents?" Harry asked. "Aurora and Philip...." She said softly. "So Audrey is my sister?" I asked. Audrey nodded. "That's probably why when we first met we didn't get along...." She said. "I can't believe you all would do this!!! Keep such a big secret from us!" I yelled. "Yo—" I cut Adam off. "Don't please. I feel betrayed by you. You were like a father to me and I respected you. But you clearly don't respect me" I said. I turned to Ben. "I am mostly betrayed by you, Ben. Why wouldn't you tell me right away? You know we aren't supposed to keep secrets. Especially ones like this" I cried. "Ma—" "no. Just all of you stay away from me" I cried and ran off stage.
* "this is why I wanted to tell her myself! I knew it was going to ruin our relationship and this is going to ruin our relationship" Ben said. The others that just found out the news ran off stage as well. Everyone was silent*
This can't be happening. I am not a princess by blood and Harry is not my brother. Why wouldn't anyone tell us earlier? I'm so betrayed by Ben. I can't believe he would do this.

Short little & powerful chapter.
I just really wanted to update and I had most of this chapter already done😂 what are your thoughts on this chapter?
*didn't proof read*
Gonna start the next chapter but I have a soccer tournament all weekend so I won't update.

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