Chapter 2

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As Ciel floundered around, trying to free himself, his captor let out a rather less then impressed sigh. "Ciel, would you quit that?" Victor hissed. Ciel soon calmed down and pried Victor's hands from his mouth, glaring at the silver haired man before him, his violet eyes seemed to stare right through the child, right into his still hate filled soul. "Sebastian's interest is building, but you keep your parents out of this, they obviously don't understand the urgency of this."

"When I made this deal with you I didn't think they would involve themselves! Listen, I just want to get this over with. Now, how exactly am I suppose to 'reel' Sebastian in and keep him unaware your going to kill him?" Ciel asked, raising a brow at the demon before him.

Victor ruffled Ciel's hair, letting out a chuckle before standing and walking away, looking over his shoulder and smirking at the confused boy, "Figure it out." He laughed, disappearing from Ciel's line of sight. The bluenette stood and wiped off his clothing before walking out of the bushes and then hurriedly running to school.


"Mom, Dad we're home!" Ciel called as he pushed open the door followed my Alois. The two boys slumped down on the couch with their bags. "If they give us anymore homework I swear I won't be able to live another day." Ciel hissed, glaring at his heavy backpack before looking over at Alois.

The blonde kicked his back in annoyance, "Tell me about it. I mean, how am I supposed to even do this homework!? Especially history, that stupid substitute didn't teach CRAP." Alois picked up his bag throwing it onto the couch beside him before checking through the homework. "Ew...French." Ciel smirked but it quickly disappeared when he saw Sebastian walk past them, on his way to do something.

"Hey butler!" Ciel called, catching Sebastian's attention. The butler turned and raised a brow at the bluenette who just smirked. "What was your name, um...Samuel?"

Alois shook his head, "No, it was Michael." The blonde barely contained his laughter, loving the fake guessing game.

"Sebastian Michaelis." Sebastian corrected them, "Is there something you need, my lord?" Ciel could feel the shivers crawling up his spine just from the familiarity in Sebastian's words.

He ignored it and just prodded his backpack to cover it up, "Yeah, we need help with our homework." Ciel paused a moment, looking into Sebastian's crimson eyes and glaring sharply.

"What's up with "my lord" thing? Your highness is more suited to Ciel!" Alois cheered, laughing loudly before quieting down when he noticed Ciel glaring at him.

Ciel looked back at the butler, scoffing loudly, "I suppose it's only proper for him to call me his lord, he is a butler." He turned back to his homework, pulling out a workbook and the study book before getting to work. "Alois, do your homework and stop pestering my butler." Ciel muttered, barely looking up from his maths and yet still knowing Alois was trying to have a staring contest with Sebastian. Alois let out a sigh before picking up his book and getting to work.


"Sebastian, your capable of helping us with this history homework, am I correct?" Ciel asked, biting his lip as the butler moved over to them.

Sebastian nodded, "If I couldn't do so much as help my master with his homework, what kind of butler would I be?" Ciel pointed to the seat next to him, gesturing for the butler to sit and which he did, pouring quickly over the textbook and remembering just about everything he read from when it actually happened in history. "In 1665, the Great Plague struck England and a large proportion of London's population was killed. You have it written that it took place in 1663, my lord."

"Oops." Ciel quickly erased his mistake, writing the proper answer over it. "What I'm confused about is the question is asking about what cities didn't move because of the plague but the book is babbling on about Jesus." Ciel scoffed, looking at Sebastian watching the demon frown at the mention of Jesus. Ciel found himself intrigued by the look on Sebastian's face, trying to read what the demon was thinking, unknowing he was slowly leaning closer to him.

Alois grabbed Ciel's arm and yanked him over to his textbook. "Help me, there are words!" He yelled. Ciel pulled his arm from Alois's grip, ignoring his yelping and turning back to Sebastian.

"Well," Sebastian started. "most textbooks and schools use information from science but there are things such as Catholic and Christian schools where they not only teach school but the religion and that can very well easily mess with things such as history and science." He said.

Alois made a face, "BORING!" He yawned, grabbing his books and bag before skipping off to his and Ciel's room.

"It's rather fascinating how stupid religious people can be." Ciel muttered, rolling his eyes at Alois before looking to Sebastian, feeling the urge to take the glasses he was wearing. The urge won over and Ciel took Sebastian glasses, inspecting them before putting them on himself. He looked at his books to find his vision had decreased so he pulled them off. " I know why I don't wear glasses." He laughed, placing them back on Sebastian face, pausing when his hand grazed Sebastian's face. Ciel pulled his hand back quickly, looking in Sebastian warm crimson eyes. "Sorry..." Ciel whispered, not just apologizing for touching his face, but for the events to come in the near future.


Well, that took much longer to write then I wanted it to...about an hour because I couldn't decide what exactly I wanted in this chapter. Rather uneventful? The story will pick up soon. I know there are spelling mistakes, my editor will get those later. Thank you for reading my faithful little kittens, I do hope you return for my next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2014 ⏰

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