Chapter 2

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Soooooooo I'm about to beat this nigga august ass because he constantly flirting with nique like nigga I know you see me standing right here like tf he really pissing me off ya probably wondering well why he in yo house WEEELLLL its him T-Raww C-Breezy and Trig oh and de they talking with nique cuz she supposed to he choreographing dances to they songs so I'm not to interested but im just chillin with Miracle and waiting for trey to bring cash

"Front door is open."the voice sensor said. Finally trey here with cash him and miracle staying for the whole week and nique is happy as hell I keep telling her we should just start having our own, but she keeps saying she want to wait.

"CAASSHHHHH BABY I MISSED YOU." Nique says running towards cash. I swear she can't get enough of them kids. Here go August staring at her ass AGAIN.

"Aye August I would really appreciate it if you would stop staring at my wife ass." I say irritated asf.

"Oh my bad bro" He says without no emotion. He really pissing me off. Every time he flirt with her me or Chris always say something while everybody else shakes there head and nique tries to ignore him or walk away.

Chris POV
Wassup ya it's yo boy Chris Brown aka C-Breezy so as ya know we at nique and dre house cuz we all want nique to choreograph our dances for our music videos and she's still debating on if she should I mean I really want her to she's like the best female dancer I know but ever since we met them we haven't got far on business wise and that's because of August he's constantly trying to flirt with nique and me or dre always have to say something when it comes to girls that August is interested in he don't care who you with he will get you one way or another de said if nique was her old self she would've been cussed him out but he said ever since she graduated out of high school she has been trying her best to control her attitude and stuff but dre on the other hand ain't playing and matter of fact he ain't playing now looks like he want to kill August

"Aye man can you  at least have some type of respect for dre. That's his wife and you constantly trying to get at her man just give up and move on cuz she for sure don't want you." Tyga says while getting irritated. Tbh I think tyga kind like her too.

"Man be quite if I really wanted her I could've been had her." August says while laughing. I don't think he should've said that dre looks like he wanna kill him and nique looks like she wanna blow.

"Bro it's funny how you a completely different person when someone watches you on TV or sum. Niggas like you is the ones I hate the most. Like nigga you really tryna talk to me and you see that I got a whole ass HUSBAND MY NIGGA. We live together and that's not getting through yo thick ass scull. Now imma say this one time and one time only if you CANNOT I REPEAT CANNOT KEEP THIS PROFESSIONAL AND WITH BUSINESS WE CANNOT WORK TOGETHER IN NO TYPE OF WAYS. And if you gotta problem with that and if you feel you wanna do some crazy shit that's uncalled for just know yo ass will be put 10ft under Presta Atencion Ahora Entiendes(pay attention now do you understand)."Nique says irritated as hell. Damn she don't play and August just stares at her like nigga you better reply before she kill you.

"Yea whatever ma."August says irritated.

" that's enough for today I'll see you guys tomorrow".Niques says while walking to Cash I think.

Secrete POV
Man I'm so irritated right now August really just pissed me off like that nigga have no respect. How you gone try to get at a married women makes no sense. Anyways they left including dre cuz him and chris went to his office to discuss a new song that Chris want or whatever. So it's just me and the kids but we getting ready to leave too we going to the mall so I get dressed in this

 So it's just me and the kids but we getting ready to leave too we going to the mall so I get dressed in this

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and I put Miracle clothes on since Cash was already dressed so I put this on Miracle

and I put Miracle clothes on since Cash was already dressed so I put this on Miracle

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Then I wet her hair so its just sitting pretty and curly. I also wet Cash hair a little too. So we head to the mall and Miracle crazy ass keep telling me she want more cousins meaning she want me and dre to have kids. This little girl knows to much shit.

"Little girl of you don't hush about me and dre having kids when the time is right we will have some ok." I say while laughing at her ass.

"Uugghhh okay Aunty." Miracle says while Cash just laugh. I swear them kids need help but it wouldn't hurt just to have one for now. Anyways we get to the mall and Cash said he wanted to go to footlocker and we head there.

"Well hello gorgeous what type of shoes are you looking for today." A man say with a footlocker shirt on and smiling like he ain't got no sense.

"Hello and ummm not sure yet Cash what shoes do you want you know you can get whatever you want and more than one." I say because Cash being a picky lil nigga right now.

"Uuughh I don't know it's so hard." Cash says frustrated. He is so adorable when he's frustrated.

"Are these your kids?" The guy says laughing.

"No this is my niece and nephew." I said while giving him a weird look.

"Oh that's cool. Well would you like to go to lunch together my lunch break is in 5 mins." He ask with hope in his eyes.

"I'm sorry bu-." I tried to say but Miracle cut me off.

"Ummm not to be rwude but my Aunty is married to my Uncle Dre so no she can't go to lunch or Uncle Dre will be mad."Miracle tells him looking serious as hell its funny.

"Oh I'm sorry little one I didn't know but if you need help with anything let me know my name Troy." He says while walking away.

So after that Cash finally decided on red timberlands, all blue 12's, and the all white high top Adidas. Then Miracle got purple uggs,the all blue high top Adidas, and all pink glittery high top vans. I didn't buy anything I was just buying the kids things. Right now we at the food court and I was on my phone so I wasn't paying attention and then hear them talking to someone then it got quite I look up and see the kids and Chris staring at me like some weirdos.

"Ummm can I help ya." I said wondering why they staring at me.

"Damn baby sis no hi no nothing."chris said like he was hurt. Chris tyga and trey(songs) decided that I was they little sister and I didn't have a problem with that so I didn't mind.

"Hi ugly now kids ya ready to go."I say hoping they say yes cuz I'm tired.

" no we wanna stay with Uncle Chris." They both said while pouting.

"He can bring his ugly ass to the house now let's go cuz I'm tired." I said hoping they would be satisfied.

"You and Dre should just have kids already. I mean you love kids to death and you treat Miracle and Cash like there yours so I think your ready and I'm not ugly nigga."Chris said smiling and walking away with the kids.

"Yea whatever." I said while laughing and walking behind them. Hmmm maybe it is time to start popping out some bad creations of me and Dre lol.

Cash at the top

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