Chapter 1 - not a phantom

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The heavy slaps of feet meeting the pavement echoed throughout the narrow ally, a mess of deep purple hair slid round a corner slamming into a brick wall. Scrambling to gain speed the man sunk his fingers into the brick groves to pull himself forward. The enraged shouts behind him rose in volume as he fled leaping over fallen trash cans and pushing over ones that stood. Roaring with laughter the man coninued to hurl himself down ally ways snickering at the abundance of insults heard from behind him.

"Get back here you FUCK!!!"
"Running away like a little bitch!!"

Snorting the man focused on the path In front of him, and the large brick wall that blocked it.

"HA! Dead end you can't get away from us now shit head" someone taunted followed by a chorus of mocking laughter.

The fleeing man slowed surveying the situation, with a glance at his hands and smug smirk directed at the ally thugs behind him he shot at full speed towards the wall. Utilizing the momentum from his run he dashed up to the wall launching himself over the top onto the ground on the other side.

Dusting the dirt of his dark jeans he listened to the fuming persuers behind the wall.

"We're going to fucking slit your throat next time, Taibhis!!!"

"Your love confession is very aggressive! You should work on that" Taibhis jeered comically retreating from the ally.

Pulling his long sleeves over the jagged scars along his hands and wrists he shoved them in his pockets and strode down the street. Don't be misunderstood Taihbis acquired those scars from his idiotic choice to try and clear an iron barb wire fence, which only resulted in a torn arm. Not to mention he landed in the back yard of a fairly pissed off dog.

He gets into habit covering them, mostly because he doesn't want a repeat of the incident in his last year of school. when the principle forced him into counseling ignoring his explanation. He eventually got out of it after calling in the owner of the dog as a witness.

Yes the dog is still alive, He wouldn't press charges on the animal after all He did break the guys fence. Thus to this day he is rather close to the dog and his owner.

His walk home was interrupted by Mrs marrie the old woman who is his land lord.
"Ah, Taibhis I have good news" she mumbled quietly before clutching his hand as a friendly gesture, for why she does this Taibhis supposed it was an Old mothers instinct.

"Good news??"

"Yes" the old woman paused flashing a yellow toothed grin "I found you a flat mate, a quiet lad he is. I think you might like him"

Taibhis blinked down at Mrs marrie "wait, you actually found someone?"

"Why yes, quite a gentlemen. Though he doesn't talk much" she giggled before patting Taibhis's face "he started moving in when you left this morning, so he will be there when you get back"

Taibhis froze before face palming " the place was mess this morning! Why didn't you tell me earlier I would of cleaned"

Mrs marrie chuckled before leaning on her walking stick "I'm sure he won't mind"

"First impressions, woman , he's gonna think I'm a pig" He whinnied pathetically placing his hands on her shoulders "what am I going to do?"

She choked an amused laugh before she trudged away her cane clicking as it hits the ground. "Have fun child"

Taibhis stood in the middle of the path, pondering the events that will unfold. "I don't want to go home" he emitted dragging his unenthused self to his apartment block.

It was an old building the elevator doesn't work and the stairs sometimes creek. Once he made it to the entrance of his apartment that will now share he huffed. Slotting in his key Taibhis pushed open the door an elongated rusty screech announcing his arrival.

He was met with silence

"Umm hello~"

No response, clicking the door shut the purple haired man crept into the apartment. Eying the belongings he failed to clean up from the couch that morning, he snatched them up and scuttered off to his room. Placing them on his bed he re-emerged into the main room that connected to a small open kitchen.

"Hey new roomie you here yet?!"

He was met with Silence

Sighing Taihbis shuffled to the kitchen and eyed the mess of the tables. Pots and pans were strewn everywhere, not a single part of it was clear. And so he began sweeping up the clutter into the dishwasher and scrubbing the benches with a grimace. By the time a got to the pile of cookie trays the mess was reasonable, spinning around to place them in the cupboard he yelped in surprise. Metal plummeting to the ground as he jumped back.

Before him stood a fairly tall man with pitch back hair that pooled round his neck and eyes.
They simply stared at each other before Taibhis stuttered out a greeting.

"Please tell me you're my new flatmate" he paused before continuing to spill  "and not a psychotic murderer who broke into my apartment to slaughter me"

The Crimson eyed man frowned quizzically "flatmate"

Relieved Taibhis exhaled and begun picking up the dropped trays. "Sweet, your room is down that hallway to the left" he pointed through the exit of the kitchen. "ms Marie is a cool land lady, so you can do whatever to your room"

The guy nodded before heading that way in silence.

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