Chapter 7. Getting into a new role.

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PHUKET, THAILAND (Tuesday, 8:30am).

Mark found us in the hotel's coffee shop. He had a shit-eating grin on his face when he saw all of us wearing the same dark blue t-shirt that he had stuffed into our gear bags the previous day.

"Sorry I'm late. Are we all set?" he asked.

Jade, who was fidgeting in her seat, scowled at him. "You call this a uniform? Do you honestly believe we look credible as outdoors facilitators wearing this blue t-shirt?"

"Why, yes! And to make you look more credible, may I present these to you, too," he said, giving each of us a cap, a stopwatch, and a clipboard.

I motioned for Mark to sit beside me. When he did, I said, "You must admit, this is a little too trite, Mark. And by the way, where were you early this morning, Mark? I called up your room, what, maybe three times, and you weren't picking up."

Mark looked squarely at me and saw that I was watching him closely. He decided it was best to tell me the truth.

"I was hanging out - literally - from a balcony," he explained in hushed tones.

"I knew it!" I said under my breath.

Jade leaned forward. "So it really was you?"

"I'm afraid so," he said.

"We're supposed to be a team, right?" Monk asked with an eyebrow raised.

Mark turned red. "Yeees... Look guys, my bad, but I didn't have the heart to ask you to help me last night. You looked so tired," he explained.

We fell silent and stared at him. Hard.

"Look, okay, it won't happen again," he said. "It's just that I'm used to working alone and I didn't... think."

"That's right, Mark," Jade growled. "You didn't think, period."

"Aw, c'mon you guys," he said. "Are you going to give me a hard time with this? This is like having three girlfriends at the same time! It won't happen again, I promise. Cross my heart, it won't." Then proceeded to draw a cross on his chest with his finger.

That did it. Jade, Monique, and I started to laugh. It took a few moments before he realized that he'd been had, and he started laughing along with us. Jade's hearty laughter was infectious and soon, we found ourselves roaring with laughter. God, this feels really good! I haven't laughed in a long time.

We were still laughing when Hannah Curtis gently tapped Mark on his shoulder.

"Hi, Mark!" she said, smiling.

"Oh, hey, Hannah!" he said as he stood up to shake her hand.

"I was looking for you at the Secretariat's office then I figured you'd be here having your breakfast," she said. She turned towards us. "Captain Concepcion told me that you arrived last night. Did you get your luggage back?"

"Yes we did," I said, smiling back at her.

"Oops, I'm forgetting my manners again," Mark said. "Hannah, these are Maxine, Jade, and Monique."

We stood up and shook hands with her as well.

"Ladies, this is Hannah Curtis, Human Resources Department Head of Gunnar Shipping."

"I'm so pleased to meet you," Hannah said. "and looking forward to having fun with our outdoor activities."

Mark grinned at her, "Ah, so you finally changed your mind, eh? Are you really joining us this afternoon?"

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