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Victor pov ....

I slept in my yuri's arms.  And woke up to his soft hair in my face, hmm smells like sweet peaches,  just as sweet and cute like my yuri.We were in my bedroom. I selpt wonderfully. I killed some people in my dreams, had sex with Yuri,  I couldn't ask for better dreams. But I also couldn't ask for any better person than yuri since yuri is of course perfect. 

He's so forgiving. He didn't think I'm a freak, he didn't run away and scream like most people did. Or try to rape me but I kill those people . I mean he could of ran away I mean the front door is always un-lock but that because I could kill anybody who comes through that door. But maybe I should see if yuri truly loves me ...maybe if I let him see the world? Would he come back? He was still sleeping. Oh I want to know!! 

" yuri?" I said as I gently push him, he stirred. 

" yes victor?" He said. I blush at his words. He so cute. His voice is so sweet and clear. 

" yuri I'll let you out today but please come back...ok?" I said . I tear ran down my cheek. Please don't leave yuri ,I love you, I love you so much . I never felt this way towards anyone before. I never had romantic feelings for anything or anyone except you. Please yuri your everything I want and need. Don't leave me. Your the only one who doesn't think I'm a freak, who understands me.  More tears fell down.

" victor ...victor what wrong?....victor!?" He said as he shake me. But more tears fell anyway.

" why are you hurting so much victor?" He ask. He so caring thoughtful ...he so perfect. I don't derseve him ,no body does .....but I'm a terrible person. I'm selfish and I want yuri for myself. I don't care if it's selfish, I love him and need him. He's everything I want to be. Strong, caring, loving, sweet. He's the only thing that makes me human and not a monster. 

" please don't leave me yuri ...please come back ....I need you.... Please ...I love you ....I love you so  much hurts .....I become obsessed with you ....don't leave me in the dark .....please yuri .... come back." I said . As I cried while holding him.

I gasp and stop crying once he hugs me. He pets my hair and whisper in my ear.

" don't worry victor I'm coming back...I  always will, so don't worry . I'm just gonna go back to my house for a few things, some of my clothes since your is too big for me" I cut him off and hug him tighter .

" I don't mind you look really cute in them." I said. He laugh . 

" yes victor but it would be nice to have my own clothes, also this house needs more food instead of T.V dinners, which Means I probably have too cook. " he said. I blush at the thought. Me eating yuri cooking. Him wearing an apron. Maybe nothing on except the apron. Welcoming me home with food on the table . Well that a wonderful way to come home. 

I got up and and made breakfast . Yuri got ready to leave. I gave him a list of things we need. 

" and you promise you won't leave?" I ask.

" yes victor I won't leave plus I live right by you!!" He said as he roll his eyes. I know ,I just like it when your by me. I thought . 

I hug him. I put a tracking device on his coat. Really ,really ,really ,tiny. Don't ask where I got it just know that I'm a CEO and I can get anything I want. I hold him a bit longer. I saw his cheeks  turn red .  He so cute. Please dot leave me yuri I love you. Please come back to me prove that you love me. 

" just so you know if you try to leave I have a tracking device on you" I said with a wink. He rolled his eyes. 

I waved him good bye as he waved back. 

I cried in my room as I cuddled with makkachin. Thinking I how yuri might leave me, he probably the only person I can't kill. Since I love him to much. 

My door knock. I ran to open it. Maybe it's yuri!! Please be yuri!

" yuri I miss you so much an- yurio?" I said. It's not yuri.  

It's my son. I than broke down in tears. He's never coming back!! He never loved me!! He left me. The only person I ever truly loved left me. I'm never gonna see my little piggy again!!  I cried even harder.

" victor!? Victor what wrong??" Yelled yurio shaking me.

" yuri.....I let him l-leave so he c-can get some stuff" I said. The love of my life my soul mate left me.yurio sighed. 

" victor you idiot do you kn-" my phone rang. I pick it up.

" h-hello?" I said.

" hey victor I'm coming back just so you know I got some groceries and my clothes so I'll be their in a few minutes k?" He said.

I smiled and jump up and down. Yuri coming !!he loves me !! he truly loves me!! I love you yuri !!I love you so much!! 

" yes yes yes yuri!!" I screamed. Yurio covered his ears Because of how loud I screamed. I got off the phone and hug yurio.

" yuri loves me !!he truly loves me !! I'm so happy!!" I said jumping while holding yurio. 

" get your filthy hands off me!!" He yelled as he shook me off. I frowned. I saw yuri in the parking lot. I ran too him.

" yuri!!" I yelled.  He smiled and waved. He waking towards my house but I just jump into his arms  as he let go of the groceries. I kiss him on the lips. He blush and gasp. I bit his bottom lip. . As he moaned in pleasure. I put my hand under his shirt to feel his muscles . Oh who knew the piggy had such a great body. I put my tongue in his mouth. He moaned my name. I smirk.  

" say it again" I moaned into the kiss. As he tug my hair with his fingers.

" victor" he moaned again. I smirk.

" STOP MAKING OUT ON THE SIDE WALK!!" Yelled yurio. Yuri push me off. I sighed. Nice way to ruin a moment yurio.

I help yuri with the groceries.

Yuri pov....

After we're done. I decided to give yurio his present. 

" hey yurio!" I said with a smile as victor walk into his room.

" what bitch?" He said. I gave him a tiger coat. He just stared at it.

" I hope you like it ! I saw it in the store and it remind me of you." I said with a smile. He just continue to stare at it. I grew nervous.

" do you not like it?" I ask. He shake his head.

" no I love it , thank you so much " he said. He than look at me while his face was red. Is he ok? Maybe he has a fever?

" yurio are you sick? Your face is really red?" I said. His face got even redder.

" no no!! I'm fine!!" He yelled. I smiled. He look at the floor. What a wired kid. Even though he's 19 years old...

I saw victor.  He was looking at his phone. 

" victor I got you a present!!" I said as I ran towards him.

" a present from yuri!!" He yelled. His eyes shined with happiness and joy. Clear ocean blue of my favorite colors . 

" umm here" I shoved it in his hands. Since I was so embarrassed. It was a my first book that that I wrote and it came out. I'm an author and yes I have three jobs.

" it's my book and i wanted you to be the first to read it." I said. With a smiled.

" it's a HORROR!! YURI !! I LOVE HORROR !! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! " he said with a smile and jump around. I smile too.

" I'm so in love !!I don't think I could fall even harder but yuri proved me wrong!! I love yuri I love yuri so much!! He's so cute!! I am now yuri-sexual!! not gay !!not bi or straight !! I'm yuri -sexual everyone!! I love yuri!! He's so cute and hot and sexy!! Yuri is just the meaning of perfection!"  He yelled

I smiled. I'm glad. I fell for victor . Other may see him as a monster but really he's funny , cute amazing , he's just broken. I don't want to fix him. No. Instead I'm gonna love those flaws that he has. Because victor is victor and I love victor. 

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