He's dead

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Victor pov....

Yurio left since he said he had to make dinner soon. We watch a little of t.v.

" hey what do you want for dinner?" Ask yuri. He said on my chest. He arms was around my waist. 

" I don't know how about ummm meat loaf?" I said. He smiled and nodded.I  blush , god he's so cute!! He got off of me as I wined. No I want to cuddle, more god DANM IT YURI!!

" Victor I have to see if I bought the supplies for it. " he said. He want in the kitchen . I blush even more , he's like a maid. I wouldn't mind him wearing a maid outfit.  I thought with a smirk. 

" Victor I have to go to the store again.....would you allow me too?" He said. I nodded. 

" only if I can come along. " I said with a smile and a wink. He's face got really red. Which made me have a faint blush on my cheeks. We got our stuff. 

I drive in my car trying to keep my eyes on the road but I stole glances at yuri. A few times he yelled at me to keep my eyes on the road.

We went too Safeway. I was in the meat area. Yuri was decideding which meat to get. I studied his features. God he's beautiful. Beautifully olive shape eyes with ritch warm soft charcolate brown. His skin as pale and soft as snow. His hair black as the night but with soft curls of waves. His figure as if  God himself made it. Carefully and took some time on it. He's so beautiful, I love him so much. I thought. But it's not just the looks I have fallen for , those are just bonus no I fell for his caring personality, his compassion, his generosity. Sure he gets a bit shy  but once you get too know him he's the most Caring and amazing person on earth.

" fucking faggot stop touching the meat. Who knows where those fucking digesting hands as been." Said a man. He had black hair and very tan skin. All I have to say is that he is ugly. A pit of anger went threw me, how fucking dare he speak to yuri like that!! Yuri is a master piece!! He's pure, caring, perfect in every way.

Yuri smiled but it's fake. He showed pain and anger in his eyes.

" hey JJ" he said. 

" don't hey me you douche bag ....I have a question, would you do a blow job for any guy who walks your way like the total man slut you are or would you want to get paid? " he said. HOW FUCKING DARE HE!? DOES HE KNOW WHO HES TALKING TO? YURI IS A FUCKING GOD! HE JUST CALLED HIM NAMES! EERRG! YURI IS THE ONE WHO WILL ONLY HAVE SEX WITH ME! I WILL BE DOING THE BLOW JOB On Him ...or me which ever he preferrer.

" exuse me ....but I would like too see you for a bit." I said with a smile. Be nice and polite Victor. Lure him in. Be a gentleman. 

" who are you? his bitch?" He said. I rolled my eyes. No I'm his fucking lover but I will be his bitch if he wants me to be. 

" well I actually don't know , but I uh need to see you for a sec?" I said. He rolled his eyes and said what ever.  I look at yuri. He look at me with curiosity in his eyes. Don't worry yuri I'll fucking killed this bastard for you.

We were in the hallway by the bathrooms. Lucky it was well hidden. 

" so what the fuck do you want too talk to me about?" He ask. I smiled and pinned him against the wall not in a sexual way I only do that for yuri. Fucking die you piece  of shit. 

" wha the f-" I cut him off by shoving a rag into his mouth to keep him from screaming .my fingers force there way into his eyes. Blood ran down his face. I smiled and wispered in his ear. 

" that's for looking at my yuri with disgust in your eyes." I said. He's a fucking bastard who should feel pain. Making my yuri feel pain. He derseve a a far worst. This fucking bastard. I smiled he should die. He doesn't derseve to be alive. Oh how I would love to hear his screams of suffering echoing through the halls.

I grab my pen. I shoved it in his ear. He screamed and squirmed . But luckily I was stronger than him so he couldn't get away.

" that's for hearing a beautiful voice of my yuri" I said. I shoved it farther. He screamed. Yes let him hear your pain. Let me hear your cry of suffering. My hands were bloody, my face has let dots of blood here and there. I smiled all I can see is red and red and more red. My favorite color. He tried to push me off and kick , I snickered. No he can't get rid of me. He sined. He spoke to a god and insulted him. For that he must be punish.  

I put my pen back in my pocket and pulled out my knife . I stab him a lot in the chest. I smiled. He tried to scream for help but no one could hear him. I smiled. He should thank me. For ending his worthless life.  He's nothing and is nothing and all ways will be nothing. Talking to my yuri as if hes a worm? No he's a god,  he is my god and no one insults my god.

I shoved the rag dipper in his throat so he can choke. I put it further and further in his mouth while I'm smiling.

" and this is for insulting my god " I said with a smile. As he gags. His body went crazy as  I smile. A few seconds later he died. I shoved his body down trash can. The cops can't get me since I always wear gloves and my weapons are always on me. The only thing cops will see is a rag and stabbing marks on him maybe some choking marks and his eardrum stabbed that's it , I'm clean , case cleared. 

I tried to clean myself in the bathroom. I took my shirt off and try to wash it in the sink since the covered in blood , same with my hands. My cheeks were stained with blood. I shrug. I try to scrub the blood off until I saw the bathroom door open. 

Shit ...well gotta kill some one else too. I got my knife out and was ready to stab. I smiled. More blood ,more pain , more suffering I can't wait!! I was running towards the open door until the door fully opened.

" Victor!?" 

I drop my knife no I was about to kill my love , no I made him scared of me now , no no no this can't be happening , he's not suppose to see me kill some one , he's not suppose to see me in blood , he's not suppose to this at all. I fell in my knees and covered my face. He hates me , he's scared of me how could I do this? I was a fool to kill some one while I was with yuri. 

I sobbed.

" please don't hate me , please don't I'm sorry I can't stop,  I just can't,  please forgive me!! Your were not suppose to see this any of this!" I yelled. I heared. Water turned on. I continued to sob. I than felt a warm towel on my cheek. 

" come on now , get off, darn blood. I'm trying to clean you up Victor , so it would help if you pull down your hands from your face." He said. I smiled. I leaned my head towards his hand. I covered his hand I wth mine on my cheek. Happy tears ran down my cheeks.

" thank you yuri.....for trying to understand me" 

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