Chapter 16 - Tape 8, Side A

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a/n : i'm back betchesss :> so yes I've been not updating for the past days but i'm backkk and i hope that you'll love this new chapter x :*

this chapter is dedicated to alluringli because of the great comments she's leaving xoxo


Maya Hart

"Why didn't you go to the barn?"

We're now laying on my bed, side by side. His arms around my shoulder and me leaning onto his chest. I can feel his hands playing with my locks and I find it really soothing. Justin can really be sweet and loving when he wants too, you know? And I'm happy to see this kind of side of him.

"Because my friends would bombard me if I stay there," Justin mumbled softly. I looked up to met Justin's eyes but he's closing them. I guess he's tired. "I didn't get to ask you. . . Why you're here and don't give me the girlfriend excuse once," I softly mumbled.

"My mom's boyfriend is an asshole. My house is hell," he said before sighing really deep, his chest falling down heavily. I looked at my ceiling as I nibble on my bottom lip. Justin's life is messed up. . .

Lost in my thoughts, I heard soft snores and it snapped me out of it. I looked up and saw Justin's eyes clamped shut and his mouth slightly opened. I smiled a bit and reached up to cup his cheek. I pecked his lip before gently getting out of his grip, avoiding to wake him up.

I sighed in relief when I didn't wake him up because it really looks like he needs rest. His eye bags are really getting darker and darker, it's not healthy.

I walked over to my desk chair and pulled out the cassette player, headphones, and the box. I only have one tape left. I placed it in the player and listened to the both sides. It's all about Bryce. Fucking Bryce.

I don't really get it why Bryce is still not behind bars. He fucking raped Jess and now, Hannah. This is fucking bullshit.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Jessica's number. After a few rings, a drunk Jessica answered my call.

"Jess?" I hissed as I looked at Justin's sleeping figure. I walked over to the bathroom and locked the door. "Yes? It's me, Jessica. Who's this?" she asked, her voice rather higher and chirpier than usual.

"It's Maya and. . .I need to ask you something," I said and looked at my reflection. My eyes are dropping and my eyes are turning red. "What the fuck Maya? It's 5:00 am," she mumbled and my mouth gaped. It's 5:00 already?

"Can't this like wait until we see each other at school?" she said and I bit the inside of my cheek. "Yeah, sure," I said and hung up. I walked back into my room to stop dead in my tracks. Justin's mumbling a name, but I don't quite get it.

I moved closer to hear what Justin's saying only to hear my heart breaking.

"Jess. . . Please, stay away from Bryce. . . Jessica," he mumbled as he stirred on my bed. I felt tears prickling at the corner of my eyes and a sob threatening to come out. I cupped my mouth as I silently sobbed and stared Justin's now awake form.

"Jessica!" he shouted and sat up. He breathed fast and buried his face in his hands before messing his hair. I wiped my tears and met Justin's gaze. "Shit. . ." he murmured and jumped out of my bed. He made his way to me and was about to cup my cheeks but I stepped back.

"Justin. . . Please get out," I said and tears freely roll down my cheeks. I saw that he's hurt and that he's guilty. "Maya, I'm sorry I didn't mean it—"

"You still care for her," I said and stared down at the floor, my hands numbly at my sides. "Even if you deny it, your heart says otherwise, Justin," I said and slowly lifted my head to see tears welling up in his eyes.

"Fuck Justin don't cry because I'm the one hurt here!" I yelled, my voice cracking, as I pointed at myself. Justin closed his eyes and shifted his head to the right. I sobbed as I grabbed Justin's bag and pushing him out my room.

"Just go Justin please," I said after I completely pushed him out my door. Justin looked at me his face clouded with hurt but I'm too broken to care. "I'm sorry," Justin said before walking away. I closed the door and leaned on it while sobbing loudly.

I slid down to the floor and hugged my knees close to my chest.

What did I expect? I saw this coming. It's impossible for Justin to move on easily from Jessica. After all the things they've been through. After all the problems Jessica witnessed in Justin's life. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the door.

You're just a rebound Maya. You knew that from the start, yet you were foolish enough to believe that Justin really loved you.

"I sincerely like you"

Justin's voice echoed in my head and I laughed bitterly and fished out my phone. I dialed Riley's number and after a ring, she immediately picked up.

"Maya! So how's it going with Justin?" she asked and I broke down. "I'm broken Riley. . ." I sobbed and covered my mouth. "Omg! Maya," her voice shifted into happy to sympathy in a matter of seconds.

"I'm never capable of love,"


a/n : i know this is quite short i'm sorry TT i'll make it up soon. but i hope you liked this chapter! pleaseeee comment and vote. it really makes me happy xoxo 

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