Chapter 17 - Tape 8, Side B

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a/n : UPDATE! so I was really inspired to write updates because. . . SEASON TWO OF 13RW IS GOING TO HAPPEN! OMG I'M SO EXCITED GUYSSSS! At the same time I'm sad hahaha the reads of the story is dropping :( I'm sorrrrryyyy because of my crappy plot you lost interest on the story TT i'll make it up to youuu

this chapter is dedicated to boxofleftoversouls


Maya Hart

I laid on my bed for the past thirty minutes. I'm sure that my eyes are red and puffy because of my tears earlier. I can't believe that I'm crying over a boy. I mean. . . He's just a boy.

But he's Justin Foley.

Exactly. He's Justin. He is trouble, he is an idiot.

But he's my idiot. . .

My heart clenched as I battled with my heart and my mind. I looked at my side and grazed my fingers over the duvet Justin was sleeping on a while ago. If I didn't react the way I did earlier, he would still be here. By my side. But, I need to play blind if I'll just pretend that he didn't dreamt of Jessica.

"Sweetie? Are you awake?" my mom's voice filled the room as she peeked in. I covered my face with the duvet and nodded. "I'll go down for breakfast mom," I said and I bit the inside of my cheek when I heard how hoarse my voice was.

I heard the door clicked behind me. I reluctantly stood up from my bed, my legs dangling on the side. I walked to my closet and pulled out my oversized flannel, grey shirt, black skinny jeans, and undergarments. I quickly took a shower and dried myself up.

I stared at my reflection and decided to put on some foundation and concealer. I applied a thin layer of lip gloss then wore my outfit afterwards. I wore my black Nike Roshe then grabbed my bag, rushing down to the dining room.

I walked to the coffee machine and grabbed my mug, pouring some black coffee in it. My parents shared a look before looking at me. I sat down on my chair and ate my bacon, toast, and scrambled eggs.

"Honey? Why are you drinking coffee?" mom asked and I shrugged. "I didn't slept much last night," I simply muttered and shoved my toast in my mouth. I gulped the toast down with the help of my coffee. I looked at my wristwatch before standing up from my seat.

"I need to go," I said and kissed my parents' cheeks. I head to the porch and was about to descend when I tripped over something. I regained my balance and saw a box stumbled on the wooden porch.

I looked around and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I bent down and looked at the note attached.

'My dear Maya. I'm so happy that you kicked out that guy from your bedroom. I was about to kill him because he is too touchy with you but I know that you won't cheat on me, right? I'll be meeting you soon cupcake. I love you and don't dare cheat on me. You know what I'm capable of,'

I looked around me, my eyes clouded with panic. I felt my throat tighten as I stared  at the box. I grabbed it with my trembling fingers and hesitantly opened the lid. 

I gulped down the scream threatening to come out my lips. The box landed on the wooden floor with a soft thud and the content spilling out of it. I stared at it as it beat. . . Just like a real heart would.

The box contained a bloody heart and it's beating like it's real. As I hesitantly picked up the heart, along with the box and letter, I hurriedly threw all of it in the trash can. I looked at my hands which are now tainted red. I washed them with the garden hose before walking to school.

Bad Things ► Justin Foley ✖ Maya Hart | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now