Chapter thirteen

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As I watched my new friends leave the park I felt oddly alone. Sure, I

always was feeling that way ever since Lilly died, but. this was weird.

I stared at the phone number scribbled on my hand; Ben had given me their


Ben was one boy who I couldn't despise. He was good natured, and I presumed

that we would become excellent friends.

Lilly, his sister, had a smile which never left her face, the bright green

eyes of the seven year old seeming to gleam with delight at the smallest


However, knowing that I would have to face Luke eventually was torture. Of

course, he might not be attending West Seattle High, but I doubted it. When

I was with him, he took great pleasure in humiliating his enemies.

The park was no longer lit by the fiery orb of gas, and instead the sky was

taken over by darkness. Making my way out of the park, I closed my eyes for

a moment and took a long breath of the chilly night air.

I opened my eyes and proceeded to walk into something hard.

It appeared to be a tree.

"Why hello there. Lily."

.A talking tree?

That was the moment I realized that my 'wall' was actually someone's chest.

I look up into their face, and realized, dread washing over me, that I had

just bumped into my ex-boyfriend, and that I had no clue what to do.

"Well, Lily, love, aren't you going to say something? You haven't seen your

boyfriend in over nine months; I thought that something had gotten you."

Suddenly his eyes hardened, "Maybe another boy?"

I suddenly felt cheeky. No one should talk to me like they own me. And he

should be one to talk!

"Weather I am currently with another boy or not, I don't think you should be

saying anything. How's Clair?" I sneered.

"She's busy trying to get her hands on some asshole, think he's the running

back or something?" he replied, "and I can say whatever I want, girlfriend,

so who is this guy?"

"I never said I was with someone else. And I'm not your girlfriend."

"Yes you are. And you implied that you were."

"No I'm not, and how so?"

"You are, and I dunno, just who is he?!"

I snapped. "Listen, Luke. I moved on after I heard those things on the

phone. Those moans, those sounds. It took me four months Luke. Four freaking

months to get over you. I was starting to live again, and now you come over

here, ripping up what it took me too long to build. You never called. You

never even tried in any possible way to try to communicate with me. And now,

you freaking show up claiming that I'm your freaking girlfriend. Do you even

deserve to be called a boyfriend? Did you know that my first boyfriend made

me give up on boys forever? If we are still together, fine. I, Lily Rose

Peterson, who is fighting every single thing the world throws at me,

officially break up, meaning will have no relationship with, and will

purposely avoid Luke Hamilton Stone from now until eternity ends."


yes, I'm sorry it's short.


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