Chapter Ten Past

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I was sitting next to an eight foot purple penguin (who was singing the alphabet), eating chocolate fondue with a spoon.

I was also riding in the car with Lilly and my mom, but whenever I tried to touch them, my hand went right through them.

If you can't pick up on this, I was dreaming. But I didn't know that yet.

Lilly sat shotgun, blowing her nose. My mother jabbered away in rapid French, which she did on a daily basis.


Cause my dear mother was French. You couldn't really see it in Lilly and I, we had most of my 'dads' traits. Well, more like my biological father. He had never been a dad to us. If you consider a man trying to convince eight year old girls to smoke marijuana a dad then you sicken me.

Lilly and I had the dirty blond hair, blue eyes and accents from my father. Our hight, on the other hand, was our mother's fault. All three of us were vertically challenged. I mean, I was only 5'1!

I'm getting sidetracked. Another one thing my father gave me. As my mother chatted away in French about her new job, the weather, and how she hoped that Lilly wasn't seriously ill, Lilly blew her nose and shivered.

I was trying to get their attention by waving my arms around the back of the car and singing the alphabet with the penguin, who I had decided to call Elliot.

Of course, no one paid any attention to me, which was starting to annoy me a lot.

Actually that's an understatement. My own twin was oblivious to my presence.

And then it happened.

My mothers scream as the car hit ice, swerving in a 360°. The cars behind ours screeching to a halt. Our car sliding off road and rolling, yes, rolling down the hill. my sisters terrified face, though she didn't make a sound. My mothers screams of terror. The sound of metal hitting rock and-


I watched as no shard of glass, no pressure of any kind touched me, but watched as Lilly screamed a silent plea of help, air bags not working, as my mother's seatbelt somehow unstrapped, causing her to slam into the windshield.

I watched all this go by in slow motion, horror written clearly across my face.

As they faced the impact, Lilly tried to shield her face, but to no avail.

I sat bolt upright in my bed. Lilly was shaking me gently.

"Lily! You need to get up! Charles is in one of his moods again- let's avoid him this time, eh?"

I nodded. Still horrified by my dream, I followed her toward the window, which she opened and climbed out onto the tree which almost stuck through the window. I followed, not even processing the fact that my bunny pj pants and tank top were the only things I was wearing.

Once in the tree, Lilly and I hung our feet off the branch we were on.

"Lilly," I said, "I had a really horrible dream..."

She nodded, "What was it about?"

Unlike most people, Lilly and I could listen to each others dreams without telling the other to shut up.

I mean, listening to other people's dreams is stupid. But Lilly and I were able to pull it off.

I told her my dream, not even leaving out Elliot the Penguin, and sighed when I had finished.

Lilly smiled sadly.

"I'm not going to die, Lily. And even if I did, I would never leave you alone. I would come back and haunt you!" she grinned after the last bit.

"Oh come on, Lily! Smile! Grin the stupidest cheesiest grin! I'm alive! Mom's alive! Your alive!Charles is usually at a bar or at work! Dad's in prison! We are happy!"

I laughed. She had that affect on me.

"and besides," she added, "we both know I can't die! I couldn't leave you in the first place. We won't die, Lily. I promise."

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